
Do you support changing Auto Insurance practices in Massachusetts? Do you like the idea of getting rid of the?

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no fault policies and allowing open competition among insurance providers? I hope it changes. I'm sick of paying higher rates for bad drivers who speed and cause accidents. I have no accidents and no speeding tix in 20 yrs of driving and I still have to pay high policies because the rates are predetermined depending on where you are located and what step you are (9 being the best which is where I'm but I still pay over $1000 a yr because I live near Boston). How do you feel about it?




  1. No fault takes the responsibility for your own actions away. If I don't have to pay for the damage that my negligence causes to others, I have very little incentive to avoid that damage.

    You'll want to research this some more....

    Have a nice day.

  2. Unfortunately you live in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, the second most insurance-hostile state government in the U.S., (only N.J. is worse..). The state insurance commision feels that insurance should all be run by government (like SR-22) and private insurers should not be allowed to even make a profit. This a real incentive to companies like State Farm, GEICO and Nationwide, all of which are ready to pull the plug and leave the state for good. Unless your state government can be stopped from their never-ending quest towards total socialism you will NEVER see lower rates -- not to mention the fact that when insurance IS finally handed over to the state it will be like dealing with the DMV every time you make a claim --- ugh....

  3. Welcome to Socialism !  Elect either obammamamma or Billary and get much, much more of this socialistic c**p.

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