
Do you support globalisation or are you worried about the negative repercussions of the globalisation phenomen

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  1. I'm not a fan of globalisation, I think if everything is turned into a globe nothing will fit together in my wardrobe any more. Let's have more cubes and pyramids please.

  2. Are you refering to the New World Order ,Hitlers fascist master race controlling the planet ,with an Elite group in charge whilst the objectors are either Dead ,slaves or in camps ,which is now persued by Bush and his wackers ,who incidently are the same backers that Hitler had ,

    to be for that would mean betraying the free world and the concept of real democracy ,which is an Alien concept to the USA.

    Although you ,emperialistic, war mongering Americans will no doubt have your way,

    when you have your global nuclear war ,i suppose this is the solution to world population when America stated in 1998,in a closed Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen , that they would lower the world population by 60%

    I think Global warming is preparing this world for the h**l it is going to be because of Americans and all in the name of your murderous God

    the concept of globalisation is in theory a good idea if all countries were represented ,in freedom

    but you people are talking about taking global control by force.and those who object are your enemies ,according to Bush.

  3. Yes, I am worried about the negative reprcussions of globalization. I am worried that my country my lose its sovereignty. I am worried that somebody will tell me how to live, what to eat, what to believe, etc,. I love the freedom that I enjoy in the great country and I want it to stay that way. I could go on and on about this, but I do not have enough time. I am sure that there will be plenty of mindless people out there who will not agree with me because they saw some idiot on T.V. telling them what they should think, but I could care less. I LOVE AMERICA.

  4. First, you need to define "globalization."

    Do you mean the sharing of vaccines developed by the west to alleviate diseases in the third world?

    Do you mean Honda Civics designed in Japan and California with parts made in Japan and the United Staes and then assembled in Ohio?

  5. i don't so much mind globalisation in terms of intergrating busnesses with different countries but I don't like the fact it seems to be un-ethical, imoral businesses exploiting poor countries.

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