
Do you support murray?

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Even if you are english?




  1. Im scottish and i dislike him very much !!!

  2. I'm part Scottish and Irish, and I hate his guts. He's such an idiot. =(

  3. Nope...Nadal's "big guns" are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger! Hee hee hee...

  4. I see alot of you are stupid glory hunters tell me this were did you fellow countrymen get to in this years Wimbledons mens singles.

  5. yeah i do. but my mate had a good point about england in general when it comes to sports... we all majorly support britains next big hopeful, get really into the sport, etc etc bla bla. then when the person doenst win we stop caring about the sport and thats it.

  6. No, he's too arrogant and I doubt any Englishman will forgive him for his comment during the World Cup when he said that he would be supporting anyone but England.  Pathetically, he then went on to wear a T shirt emblazoned on the front  'Anyone but England' - what a loser.   Nadal outclassed him today and I, for one, didn't give a toss.

  7. I don't because it's only about 2 years ago he said he didn't like the english.Just because he is British makes no difference to me at all.He's just an arrogant big headed tosser with a fit mrs,lol.He only got her because of who he is.If he was working in Macdonald's or something she wouldn't look twice at him,lmao

  8. no i dont. i support good sportmen with a bit of spirit and character. like nadal or federer. i dont like murray and i dont care if hes british scotish or katmandu ish. i just dont like him

  9. nope i can't stand him!

    hes really unsporting!

    im not british so there you go!

    sorry andy pandy!:P

  10. I'm irish, and it really depends! I have liked him in this tournament for doing great against Gasquet, and Haas, but he didn't have the strength for Nadal!

    It really depends: Before the Wimbledon I hated Murray, but lately he is performing well!

    This is as clean as I can come, and I know after tis there will be more racist, and anti-scottish comments!

  11. Oh yes.   Do you remember how much the Scots wanted England to win the rugby world cup final against South Africa?  Well I want Andy to win Wimbledon just as much!

  12. Unfortunately no I dont. I think he still has a lot to learn and there are many things about him and his game that are still very unimpressive. He's had it a bit easy this wimbledon. Hasn't had powerful opponents until today. And today Rafael was terrific. I'd say long way to go for Murray.

  13. No chance. Did you see him against nadal today? Terrible.

  14. yes i do, hes brittish.

  15. Yes of course he is british :)

  16. No i dont like him at all ...hes grumpy and boring...i support Nadal...he is much more professional, humble and exciting to watch :)

  17. No because he looks like a Heron choking on a frog... his girlfriend is so beautiful, you can see the £ signs in her eyes every time he hits a winning stroke. Let's face it, she's hardly going to be with him for his looks or personality is she...

    Sorry.. but when I see a spanner, I call it a spanner..
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