
Do you support or against Israel or U.S. Launching Air Strike at Iran nuclear facility?

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What will the gas price be like if it happened?




  1. Support. It would be very dangerous for Iran to have nuclear weapons.  

  2. haven't you learnt enough lesson. what kind of people are you. i hope iran will blow the first nuke in usa.

  3. *Anything* would be better than having those Iranian cuckoos with nuclear weapons on their hands....

  4. If I support or do not support a nuclear strike by Israel......I doubt it will mean much to anyone, especially the Israelis

    Israel faces a nuclear attack from how does Israel attacking first change anything..... except the bodies will be Iranian not Israeli.....

    IT WILL HAPPEN.....Israel will strike before 1 Jan..... ( they can not count on Obama......and do not want to hurt McCain ).....they have sent TWO warnings to Iran ( the Syrian nuclear attack.....and the flight to Italy )......If Iran does not back down......Iran will have a nice green glass nightlight in their southern desert for Christmas......AND whether I approve or not makes no difference

    (note: Israel attacked the USS Liberty when it suited them......they will do whatever they must to survive)

    Gas prices.....No direct correlation..... they will continue to go up no matter what Israel does......

  5. Israel has NO right to attack any other nation in that area.  Time to end the failed lab experiment called Israel.  Five million jews in that area.  400 million Arabs and other ethnic groups.  Do some quick math.  If Bush attacks Iran, I hope the military takes over the govt until the election is settled.

  6. The Iran nuclear facility is a power plant.  It's only enriching the uranium to 3 percent.  To make nuclear weapons they would have to enrich to over 90 percent. Iran is in total compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (which is more than Israel can say).

    No!  h**l No! **** No!  Neither the U.S. nor Israel should do anything against Iran.

  7. Unless provoked by an act of aggression, I do not support either the US or Israel striking an Iranian nuclear facility.  As much as I dislike the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons, they have as much right to them as western powers.  An unprovoked attack by the US and Israel would simply further anger and resentment already harbored by people in the Middle East - anger and resentment that would be justified, I might add.  I think we would be doing better to divest from Iran and other countries that support terrorist activity, as well as more strictly regulate business activities with Iran and other countries that might supply Iran with technology and weapons that could be used against us and our allies.  Finally, I think we could be viewed as better world neighb ors if we stopped supporting regimes in the Middle East that simplylined their own pockets and were friendly to USWestern capitalism and started supporting those that actually did things to benefit their people.

  8. I am utterly against it for too many reasons to go into detail. First of all there are two wars taking place in the middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, striking Iran would bring fatal consequences for us all leading the entire world into world war three. Thirdly, the USA is the only nation in the history of nuclear weapons to actually drop a nuclear bomb, Hiroshima ring any bells? Why this sudden need and desire to use pre-emptive strikes? Doesn't diplomacy work? I am so sick of ignorance and lack of compassion displayed by some people. It is worrying and frightening that some of these people are in a higher position of power than others.

  9. I know this is morally wrong but If anyone does they need to capture what oil fields they can and claim them if not we meaning everyone in the World will suffer to no end especially if the government and or military is left to defend themselves. Oil prices will skyrocket and people will starve. I neither support or disapprove of it untill I know the plan of attack.

  10. Support, no matter what happens to gas prices. The world cannot allow the crazy mullahs and the terrorists to acquire nuclear bombs.

  11. I don't know what Israel is going to do but I would guess that since they are the target of the hatred they will likely have to do something because its for sure that Obama is not going to stand with Israel.  You don't have to do much research to get all the anti Jewish remarks in the Obama campaign.  I think that Obama will get elected, be a Jimmy Carter clone and take the world into nuclear war.  Iran sees its chance to lob a nuke a Tel Aviv and get their 50 virgins but Israel is determined to never stand by and be slaughtered again so they will fire back.  Obama is scary.  Say what you want about Bush but we have fought the war on terror outside of the US and for a country that is not invovled in terrorism there sure have been a lot of Al Quida killed in Iraq for them not being there.  

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