
Do you support social programs?

by  |  earlier

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Welfare, universal healthcare, etc? If so, will you pay my share so that I don't have to pay for something I don't want? Please, if you really think these programs are good, are you will to pay extra from your paycheck so that those of us that are against them don't have to?




  1. I do support welfare for the truely needy and for educational purposes.

  2. If paying for services like welfare ,etc. are so wrong then don't pay your taxes. I for one lost my job after 12 yrs and was able to file for unemployment till I found a new job. I'm glad it was there. I might have lost my house. So lets tell all those school children that get free or reduced cost breakfast and lunches that they can't eat today because you don't want to pay taxes.

  3. I have no desire to fund George Bush's butchery. Yiou sorry azzed cons are pathetic.

  4. only if they pay me to be sociable...

  5. Those that would like to see a complete social system are usually the ones that don't have enough money to pay the high premiums of the private plans. So if you rely on them to pay your part you won't have any health care.

    Under some purposed social plans everybody will pay but as I understand it now your part will be based on a percentage of what you make. Sort of along the same lines of Social Security payments.

  6. I believe we should help those who have lost their jobs for a limited amount of time (2-3 months). If you can’t find another job in that amount of time you are out on your can.

    I believe we should help the truly disabled and elderly ONLY if they don’t have family capable of helping them. I don’t want to pay for somebody else when that is the responsibility of their family.

  7. If we weren't paying for war, after war, and to prop up despotic governments all over the world who see things our way, we could have these programs, and it would probably cost less than it does now.

  8. i agree with you there.  Most social programs are either corrupt or aren't even audited to see if it is legit.  We need reform on these programs to update and make it fair for everyone!!

  9. Already paying, when rain comes down it's for all..

  10. Clinton Takes $1 Million From Insurance Cos, Plans to Force All

    Americans to Buy Private Coverage

  11. I support limited social programs. I support helping the extreme poor with healthcare. I support financial help for a very limited time period for people who are really in need. But I mostly support making people work for what they need. Only helping in extreme circumstances.

  12. If people like social programs they may have them.  The issue I have with it is when they want Federal funding.  If any particular state wants to provide some kind of service at taxpayer expense they have every right to do so.  The Constitution distinctly forbids the Federal Government from doing so, but is routinely ignored.

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