
Do you support the Argentina`s Infanticide Law?

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A woman who kills her born baby will not be punished.




  1. I don't think this is true.  After a search I came up with only three results.

    A book about the history of Hispanic America in the late 1800's

    A similar book about the history of Argentina from 1880-1910

    And a page that appears to be a bunch of codes or something of the sort...

    Great antagonizing though.  You should probably asses your target group though.

  2. Is there an English link to the story?  I don't support the law.  It's murder but infancticide seems to go unpunished in the world.

  3. I agree with it

    If the baby was born with severe defects that couldn't be detected before birth (autism, palsy, etc), it should be OK

    If the baby's daddy leaves, it should be OK

    I don't see a problem with it, as long as both parents agree to it

  4. Very informative, lol.  You need to post a link in the right language.

  5. EDIT: Thanks for the translation Andrew Allison Adams.

    From reading the translation at the link, it seems this is simply a re-working of the law of Infanticide in Argentina, to alter the way this crime is perceived and re-direct the *majority* or perpetrators to the mental health authorities rather than criminal jurisdiction. As the article says, mpst of the women guilty of this crime are poorly educated, isolated, have mental health issues and lack real support.

    For many centuries in English law, Infanticide has carried lesser penalties than murder, which is why it has been regarded as a separate class of crime.

    The law has hedged this about with strict regulation ~ the killing of the infant is within a certain time from birth, or related to certain mental conditions of the mother, for it to be considered 'infanticide' and not murder.

    This is probably the way the pre-modern world coped with what we now know to be the hormonal effects of post-pregnancy which can manifest as Post Natal (Post Partum)  Depression which ~ in the worst cases can result in psychotic episodes.

    Some countries do not make an allowance for this in their law, or have Infanticide laws which are manifestly unworkable or do not recognise the realities of physiological conditions which are now known to science and medicine, and occasional re-working of those laws will be needed.

    I seriously doubt, however, that these changes will result in wholesale slaughter of infants in Argentina or elsewhere. The type of conditions which see women become truly unhinged as a result of PND/PPD are, thankfully for the species, rare.

    Additionally, it is increasingly shown that factors such as good social and family support, diet and general health greatly decrease the likelihood of these incidences.

    It may be that in the near future people will decry our harsh treatment of these women in the same way we now decry  the horrific treatment of psychiatric patients a century ago.

    Link below to Wiki, if you don't like their info, follow the many links they offer.


    Can't really comment on an article in a language I can't read.

    Post something in English, please.

    Cheers :-)

  6. I hope this is a myth.  That is just sick.

  7. Is this true? Cuz if it is, its just plain wrong.

  8. I can't believe that! Killing a born baby is freaking wrong and people who kill them are the scum of the Earth! No, I don't support it.

    My computer wouldn't let me see the link but still if there is a law like that in any country it's wrong.

  9. Could you post a link? I have not been able to find this anywhere.


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