
Do you support the Fatah-led strike in Gaza?

by Guest61491  |  earlier

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First it was the teachers,now the doctors. Is this just stirring up trouble or are the unions reacting to real grievences?




  1. No,it's just Fatah trying to disrupt what little stability there is in the Gaza.  

  2. I believe their grievances are real and Fatah is a corrupt leadership.  Just as it's always been.

    When choosing the lesser of two evils a body count needs to be taken into account.

    i wish the Pals would find someone with common sense to unite them for their own good.

  3. Not this boy.

  4. No,it is a disruptive maneuver to provide an field of opportunity for a Fatah takeover.  

  5. No,it is yet another effort by Abbas and Fatah to undermine the de facto government of Ismail Haniyeh.

  6. Radical Hamas rule of Gaza is the only obstical in the way of a final two state solution. Hamas clearly states in their mission that they will fight until all of Israel is annexed and the Jews are driven into the sea. This is not a way to make peace nor is it a realistic goal. In order to have peace one must be pragmatic and be willing to let both sides be neighbors and accept sacrafices. Hamas does not support being neighbors with Israel and have unrealistic goals. So getting the pragmatic Fatah back into control of Gaza would be the appropriate action that would help peace become more of a reality in Israel and Palestine. Fatah has more realistic goals such as being neighbors with Israel and using their land to mind their own buisness unlike Hamas that just uses their land to fire more rockets and artillery and forcing Israel to retaliate.

  7. No I don't support the Fatah-led strike!

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