
Do you support the new referral system in cricket?

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According to this rule, the batsman or the captain of the fielding side can challenge an umpiring decision. Like tennis, they are allowed three unsuccessful challenges per innings.





  2. Yes i do.It is for the fairness of the cricket match,as unfortunately there are payers who can not take the umpires word for a decision.So if it is going to stop all these people whinging about umpires then yes i think it is a good thing..

    The 1 thing how ever does worry me is the amount of time that is going to be spent on refuting all these matters to the 3rd umpire.We already see teams being fined for slow over rates,i think this might slow things down that little bit more..

  3. Yes I do. It will do away with all that 'he did, he didn't' c**p we been hearing in this section for way too long.You may call one umpire a cheat when things go the wrong way for your team, but you can't accuse the whole lot of them plus any technology they use! The only thing that bothers me is what now will those same people think up to excuse their own teams bad performances? lmao

  4. of course i support~

  5. I do support this system by which both the sides have the privilege of appealing against a decision if they aren't satisfied with the decision of the on field umpire. I think that it's really a good decision to introduce this system, because it ensures justice to players of both the teams. In that way, atrocious decisions of umpires, which often resulted from human errors can be successfully eliminated from cricket. Consequently either teams would no longer have to suffer from such dubious umpiring decisions.

  6. Yes, I support it ... and it's about time !

  7. ya.

  8. Yes i do support this new rule,but i do see some problems with players appealing decisions that they know aren't really out.They have 3 appeals,what if they end up having a legit appeal but they have no more challenges left?...

  9. The idea is good. But there are many flaws. Heard no technology was involved as is with 3rd Umpire. So how can they give a proper decision.

    Replay showed 2 wrong decisions.

    1. Dilshan was out .

    2. Sehwag was NOT out.

    So there is a flaw.

  10. I don't because you already have three umpires and all the technological help to assist them. If in other sports if referee/umpires' decisions are final then why cricket should be treated so differently? In fact, in other sports there are even more chances of making mistakes like in soccer and tennis.

  11. yes it good for players

  12. I support it, however i think once the system has been used a few more times, it should then be reviewed, and any flaws corrected.

    The thing that bugs me about this system, is yesterday Dilshan was given not out after using this refferal system, but there was still contrevesy that he was in fact out. I didn't actually see the match, so i don't know whether it's true.

    If it was in fact out, that's pretty poor, and defeats the whole purpose of this system.

  13. its good

  14. Yes I do as well, and I think it could go further.

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