
Do you support the war in Irak?

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In my language Iraq is spelled as Irak my bad..




  1. no

  2. no those infidels should leave already

  3. Were is Irak?..LOL

  4. I don't support the war because I feel its unjustified, but I do support the troops and hope for their safety.

  5. I supported the invasion of Iraq.  

    Saddam Hussein had thumbed his nose at 14 UN resolutions that required him to demonstrate compliance with the disarmament agreement.  He routinely shot at US aircraft which were enforcing the no-fly zones designed to protect Iraqis from their own government.  He has standing policies which gave aid an comfort to terrorists and terrorist organizations, including a $5,000 stipend to the families of any PLO suicide attacker.  

    At the same time, I think the post invasion occupation and recovery plans were ill-conceived and ignored the realities of the situation on the ground.  The only military person who had a clue of how to deal with this was Petraeus, and it took too long to put him in a position where he could affect the entire theater.

    For better or worse, we are there, and need to stay there until an acceptable climate for our removal is achieved.  

  6. nope, wish it could end. such a beutiful place, i wanna go there, but the war... i do support the soilders, i actually wanna be one of them!

  7. No such country as Irak.

    Now to the truth of the matter, The War in Iraq has been over for a LONG time, we are there protecting the Innocent Iraqi peoples from In-Fighting, Insurgents, Terrorist. Along with all that we are RE-Building their infrastructure at OUR expense. So Yes I supported the War and Now I support OUR actions to try and Better Life in Iraq.



  9. NO!  I support spelling and good grammar!

    Secondly, to show support for the troops, I participate monthly in a program called Adopt-A-Platoon where a group of us has gotten together and sponsored a US Army platoon based in Germany, but currently stationed in Iraq.  We send them monthly care packages.

  10. Who is at war with "irak"? WHERE is "irak"? I do support OIF in Iraq, so much that I have deployed there a few times. You?

    Somehow, I'll bet this is really about Georgia/Ossetia/Russia...  

  11. I support our troops.

  12. Where is Irak?  When did we go to war with them?

  13. get your facts straight...

  14. No I don't support the war in Irak, but I do support the war in Iraq,

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