
Do you support you local or nearest vegetarian restuarant?

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Fortunately I live in a town where I can support such a place but many vegetarians will not support it to the extent that I do mostly out of economic concerns. To me voting with our dollars are extremely important to shift markets in ethical directions. I know not everyone can due to economics or location but in the least they could chose the vegetarian restaurant if indeed they go out to eat. Or if there is not already one consider opening one.




  1. no, vegitarians p**s me off more than religious fanatics.... well ok not quite that much... but close.

  2. Yes I do and I also support my local raw food restaurant as well.  This is a very important issue.  I do not look at it as supporting I look at it as eat ting good food if raw or vegetarian foods are not made to appeal to the masses it does not work.  The restaurant has a responsibility to do things to be better than the competition.

  3. I can't.  I love vegetarian meals, but my husband has to have meat.  I'm sure the only local one here will do well, but we have to find restaurants we both agree on.

  4. We actually have a vegan place in town and occasionally I can get my husband to indulge me and go there.  There are a few other vegetarian restaurants in the community, but we seldom go to those, because my husband is the world's most finicky eater. Instead, we forego the steak houses that are the norm, and go to Mexican, Indian and Italian restaurants, for the most part.

    Mostly we go out to breakfast and dodge the issue, overall.  

    As far as opening one, too much competition here, but if I did ever open a restaurant, it would have options for people in most different dietary situations.  Vegan-vegetarian-heart friendly -etc.

    When I get to go out with friends, it's a treat, because I get to try all kinds of new things.

  5. we're omnivores.Thats why we were designed with molars and incisors. We are supposed to eat meat and greens.

  6. There aren't any vegetarian places near me, but I do support places that have things like vegetarian burgers or vegetarian soup choices. Hopefully when those kinds of meals sell more, the people who plan what is served will decide to add more vegetarian/vegan options to their menu.

  7. Absolutely, although it's two and a half hours from here, so I only get there about once a month.

  8. Yes, I do. We have a raw veggie restaurant and a Satvic Indian Vegetarian Restaurant in the area, and we drive and hour an a half to Evanston to Blind Faith fairly often too.  We go to them usually once a month  though sometimes more frequently.

    And I have to tell you a quick story about just that point. The Merciful Lion was our first natural food vegetarian restaurant. The town closed off our road shortly after we opened and still people came to West Kingston, RI from as far away as Hartford, and New London, CT. which was a drive of at least an hour and a half. Initially we were the only veggie restaurant between New Haven and Boston! And then others began to open in more accessible places. We closed our doors and moved on. Ten full years after the restaurant closed I was at a party and met a man who on hearing that I am a Vegetarian Chef went into raptures over his favorite restaurant, the charming decor, the awesome food and superb Sunday Buffet. Then he told me its name which of course was The Merciful Lion. I asked him when the last time he had been there was. He said, "Gosh, it's been a while. . .Maybe last year sometime? Then I told him who I was and when we had closed.  My point was as your is -- if you find a place you love -- please, support it, or it won't be there.

  9. Yes, when I can afford it.

  10. I'm not a vegetarian. but there is a great Indian vegetarian restaurant near my house that I enjoy going to

  11. Save a carrot get a cow!

  12. yes but your summary throws me off........perhaps its the grammar.

  13. Absolutly i myself am a vegitarian and it is a challenge to find a completely vegitarian resturaunt so if you open one i bet many people like me will love it

  14. no

  15. Nope

  16. The vegetarian rest. I know are too far away. So i buy vegetarian brands. - and compnaies that I know promote vegetarian eating. - thats my answer to it.

  17. i do. :]

  18. Just had a sandwich shop open - in my OWN little hick Texas town - and *YES* I support them.

    They are not only 'vegetarian/vegan/ - but they DO offer that option.

    The very *FIRST* in my small hick town of less than - I believe 5,000.  I was IMPRESSED that they even considered offering such - - but then I met the owners - - had a nice little 'talk' with them - and they are more than willing to offer such - - and even making MONEY by offering such since the people coming down from Houston seem to like such being offered!

    Opening ones mouth at the *right time* does pay off!

  19. I think about that all the time.. There aren't many in our area but I drive about 30 min away to support the nearest one. I do wish that more existed in my area.. and I would frequent them often.

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