
Do you suppose the radical enviromentleast are happy now?

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With Gas reaching $3.50 a gallon? Or do you think it will take full fledge starvation by the American people as food prices rise so high that most cant afford to eat anymore?

All while we sit on huge reserves of oil and gas in the Gulf, the Rockies and in Alaska,

Reserves that belong to and should be used by and for the people of the United States.

But for the cries of some loud mouth mis-informed tree huggers our nation slides into a slow death.




  1. You're just a big wad of hate looking for a target, aren't you?

    What kind of bizarre twisted anti-logic are you using to suggest environmentalists are responsible for high gasoline prices, or in favor of them?  If environmentalists had their way we would have abandoned this obsolete antique technology years ago.

    By your reasoning I'll bet you also believe that children are the cause of pedophilia.

    Keep in mind too that as members of the Godlike American Super Race you are still paying far less than the rest of the world for the dirty inefficient old fuel you insist on using.

  2. Part of me is really looking forward to peak oil, when it becomes economically infeasible to use any more commercial fossil fuels (think $3.50 is bad), and they instead become a true life luxury.  That part of me thinks the past 100 years of human life has been a big party, and that the future will force us to reevaluate what actually matters and perhaps revert a bit.

    Another part of me really looks forward to a clean energy economy, in which we can somewhat sustain our way of life (or at least, the harmonious parts of it).  Either way though, big changes are ahead, and I do believe rampant materialism is going to be on the chopping block very soon.

    I think environmentalists would rather promote harmony and healthy communities, and help us heal from the errors of our ways.

  3. Don't worry they will get theirs. If the oil Co. continue to robe us and corner the money market . The hold world will slide into a deep depression.

  4. The people of the USA will not ever own those resources. They will be owned by the companies that extract them. In their turn the companies extracting them are very happy to have high crude prices. They are not complaining. They do not want new reserves tapped yet.

    The strategy of the USA is to use up all the oil reserves from the rest of the world before exploiting its own, so that it has these available when the rest of the world runs out. You can be angry that you are paying a lot now, but when Saudi fields run dry you will understand the rationale.

  5. Starving our energy supply has been their goal all along.  I don't think they are happy yet - but they will be if we are reduced to bicycles made out of recycled tofu turds.

  6. I don't suppose that the HUGE oil company profits nor the ill advised military policies of the present administration have ANYTHING to do with the skyrocketing oil prices. It MUST be environmentalists that have taken over OPEC and charged historically high prices for a barrel of oil.

    I hope you are very happy in your ivory tower of denial.

  7. Look miserable people who have no sense of self worth will never be happy! Misery loves company.

  8. they wont be happy even when were sitting around shivering in the dark & dieing of starvation from their actions.

    weve done an incredible job cleaning up the environment in the last 40 years. its time to take a breather & celebrate a job well done and ignore the radical extremists.

  9. I don't think that Americans are ever going to starve.. all they need is a sack of lay's potato chips per day!

  10. No.  They won't be happy until they deprive the nation of the rights to all of it's own resources and watch every business fold because they can no longer operate due to the immense cost.

    EDIT: Wounded Duck - Are you really that ignorant and easily swayed by the easy scapegoat of oil companies and the administration?  First off, how can anybody be angry at an oil company (or any company for that matter) for being very profitable.  That is the entire purpose of their existence and what the very nature of a capitalist system is based around. They don't exist to soley to cater to the needs of people because it's the right thing to do.  If they did, they'd be a charity.   The fact is, oil companies buy, find, drill, process and ship the oil that we use.  That means they have the ability and right to sell it for whatever price they so choose.  I don't see anybody getting up in arms at the food companies because food costs are skyrocketing. And why is it that 10 years ago when oil was $13 a barrel and they were losing they're a$$es on their product no one was complaining.  That's right, because it didn't inconvenience you then even though they were the ones taking it on the chin. Oil companies are selling their product at market value based on the factors of supply and demand.  China and India are both booming economies and are buying more and more oil every day lessening the supply and driving up the cost for us.  Couple that with the low value of the American dollar and it goes even higher.  And then it's snowballed by the environmentalists hinderance of building new refineries to process said oil along with drilling in our own borders for vast quanities of oil we know exist that would heavily lessen the cost burden to our economy.   Or you could also throw in our own government for unnecessary mandates to produce less efficient, more expensive ethanol.  Not only to companies have to allocate finite resources to something that the market doesn't demand, but they are using tax-payer money to subsidize it meaning we're paying more in taxes and at the pump.  If you want lower prices, encourage more exploration, open up our land for drilling, enable the construction of more refineries, lessen the amount of tax and mandates upon the industry and encourage more competiton in the industry.  So yes, continue blaming the companies for doing what they're supposed to be doing whilethe poor radical environmentalists and government get off scott-free in your feeble little world.

  11. I do not think radical environmentalists are happy now. They do not want gas prices to rise. Nobody but the oil companies and their stock holders are happy now. The problem with oil companies receiving so much profit is that it has be earning excessive profits. These companies receive subsidies from the government and tax cuts, all while they are making record profits. It is o.k. for oil companies to make profits but oil is a resource that everyone in our country pretty much has to have, even the poor. When you spend a days worth of pay on a tank of gas there is something wrong. Of course food prices are going to rise because we need oil for everything we do that requires energy. In order to run factories and deliver food you need large amounts of energy.

    A slow death for our nation would be to continue on the path we are on. Using any of our oil reserves would be a big mistake. Oil is a non-renewable resource, if we are drill into ANWR we will destroy a mass eco-system. And for what? When all is said and done well will have a destroyed ecosystem and no more oil. Sure you may not care about that but one eco-systems death has a domino effect on the other systems. If oil is non-renewable then that means prices will continue to go up until there is no more oil. Think of what the last gallon of oil left on earth will cost? The point that some environmentalists try to make is that not only is dependence on oil bad for our earth it is going to all end at some point soon. Why not have more healthy and renewable energy sooner and more efficient. Not only will the air be cleaner, your utility bills will be cheaper, AND you will be leaving the lions, tigers, bears and birds at peace.

    The United States can't use up everything they have as fast as possible. We need to think in a rational and well-informed manor.

  12. Are you insane? The oil in this country is NOT going to help the supply. If you want to look for a reason for the gas being as much as it is....why not look at the White House. 6 of the 11 billion barrels of oil in Iraq have been shipped HERE and who was the one who launched the war for oil...Bush. BTW it was McCain not any of the democrats who said that you should start pinching your pennies and not take trips anymore because of the gas prices. He didn't say he was going to do anything about it...he just wants you to stop having fun.....Bush-McCain all the same

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