
Do you surprise yourself sometimes? How?

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Do you surprise yourself sometimes? How?




  1. No.

  2. being able to do stuff i didn't think I could do

    like try to throw something and have really good aim

    or talking to the guy I've liked for 3 years without puking


  3. when I f**t in public, it surprises me, and all the people around me too.

  4. No not really ....Sometimes one is a little kinder than one was going to be ..actions more compassionate than one might think...

  5. Most definitely, at how I manage to get through the things I have and accomplish the things I have.  Against all odds, like usual.

  6. yes when i do something stupid such as locking myself out over and over again

  7. yes!!!!! i am usualy a very conservitive person and shy and quiet i dont realy party or anythig.     when i whent on vactaion with one of my friends i let go of all my valuses i was drunk everynight and mast days i stayed out to 5 on the morning danceing i was madeout with over 15 guys and a girl i willingly got in a car with a complete stranger at 230 in the morning and when to a motel with him (thankfully im alive) and i got back to my resort at 8 am,. i broke every one of my parents rules and i even broke my own.

    so ya i definitly sometimes surprize me

  8. sometimes i find money in my pocket or dryer, i consider that to be surprising myself.  but I also surprise myself when I work really hard at something and do even better than I anticipated!  that's a cool surprise.

  9. yes becouse i do something fun

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