
Do you swear in front of your children

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even when you're mad?

Personally I don't, I learnt to control it a long time ago and now I rarely swear even away from my children.




  1. I have been trying to tone it down since my son was born, but occasionally yes I will curse in front of him.

  2. Yes i swear.. im not proud of it, but I do!

    However, my children do not!   I frequently tell them that when they are adults, they can swear. Untill then, they can not!  I tell them that it is not a clever thing to do.

    It seems to work & they dont swear!   Well, the teenagers do outside.. but show me a teenager that doesnt!!    

    Swearing, does NOT constitute a lack of control, nor is it an indicator for lack of parental responibility.

    It may, I accept... be a lack of English skills & verbal thesaurus. But, my children are well adjusted, responsible, caring, nice children who work hard at school.

  3. Yes but much less so since I got called to one side in my 3 year old’s nursery school to be asked where he might have picked up a particularly choice piece of language.

  4. I have done so on a few occasions, I have used the work f*ck. My kids were like "Mommy, you said a bad word!"

    I am much more careful now.

  5. no c*nting chance.

  6. I do... my daughter is 2 months old and I am trying to tone it down. I grew up in boston, my whole family cursed. It's a terrible habit, I know.

  7. That's nice.

    I don't swear in front my children.

  8. sometimes and i always feel really bad. my 13 month old son once tried to repeat what i had just said... if he ever did that in a shop when an old lady was talking to him i would die on spot. i'm sure of it.  

  9. No I don't but they learn it anyway, my eldest came home from playgroup a couple of months ago and said to her sister, Georgina move I can't see the ******* tv. Suffice to say I was not impressed, starts school in September as well, more to look forward to. lol

  10. I used to swear a lot, but since i had my son im toning it down. I slip up sometimes but ive gotten a lot better. My son is 2 so yeah.  

  11. No I don't swear in front of any child, I think it's awful to swear in front of children, and even worse hearing a child swearing.  My sister-in-law swears in front of her children and sometimes directly at them, it just sounds really bad, and I feel sorry for her children as it's like she's just totally loosing her temper when there is no real need to.  My father in law swears in front of all his grandchildren, including my children, and I hate it.  My husband has asked him not to but he doesn't stop.

  12. I try very hard not to, but I am one of life's people who, wrongly, swears a lot. I'm learning to stop, or substitute for words like "sugar" or "fudge" though, and I laughed at my parents for using those when I was younger. I now understand lol

  13. Yes.  I do.  Whether I'm mad or not, it doesn't matter.  

  14. No i don't. My parents sworn in front of me, but even now i don't swear.

  15. I’m still adjusting to this….

    It’s not easy when you go from having a real bad potty mouth, as I do, to having to watch your EVERY word because your toddler is learning to talk. I admit I have a bad mouth, but I do my very best to avoid using any foul language in front of my son. And I plan on teaching him, (and anyone who comes in our home) to watch their mouths.

    We have discussed putting a “swear jar” in the house for ourselves and guests. That way when people slip, they pay up, and my son gets a great toy out of the deal!

  16. nope...had to stop. I was never really bad when it came to cursing but I did have my occasional curse words. When my daughter started running around saying Oh sh*t that's when I had to really watch it.  

  17. No, because they will follow by example. Then it would be hypocritical to punish them for it if I cussed myself.

  18. Don't swear in front of your kids unless you want them to swear.  They pick things up quickly!!!

  19. I have a 3 year old daughter so whatever I say, she says. If I am angry , I may say shoot instead of ****. So I am more aware of my language.

  20. When my son was 6 months old we used to swear a little in front of him, thinkning that he didn't know what we were saying anyway and he wouldn't pick it up, but then he started saying ffffffffff so now we don't swear AT ALL in front of him and I tell family onot to either and he hasn't gone fffff since

  21. I dont,  my husband has a very bad habbit of swaering a lot at work with his friends (he's in the navy) but i'm training him to stop it at home, i dont like it when some of my friends swear infront of my children either as i have a 3 yr old who repeats everything, i've actually caught him saying a few naughty words. If people swear in my house they get a good telling off in my house haha i dont care who they are, i dont want my children swearing at all, it's not nice.

  22. I try very hard not to.  While I dont have anything against curse words really, there is a time and place for it, and in front of your children just isnt it.

    That, and my aunt used to have a very fowel mouth.  Because she never used restraint in her language, her son doesnt either.  Most people are not very receptive to a 19 year old cussing at them.  She knows/knew her language was inappropriate but just didnt care.  He doesnt know/realize that its not appropriate in a lot of settings.  I notice she has cleaned the language up a bit over the last couple years, but by that time it was too late for her son.  I mean, he curses at customers at work.  Totally inappropriate, and he doesnt understand why.

    Growing up, yeah, of course I cussed it up with my friends.  But my parents rarelly cursed, and to this day I wont say anything harsher than h**l in front of them, and dont like doing that.

    My spouse even curses inaproprietly sometimes at customer service people when he isnt getting the service he wants or whatever.  He was never restrained in using them growing up either.

    So watching my cousin, and my spouse, I think its best to teach your children very early on that while it is fine in some settings, there are other settings when it just isnt.

  23. NO. Children get enough of that kind of exposure at school. (Trust me.)  

  24. only do it when you are really angry that way when you do they will know your serious.

  25. Occasionally it slips out.  But I never say the f word.

  26. I honestly try my hardest not to but sometimes things slip out

    Luckily my boy hasn't repeated anything too bad other than he says 'oh god' a lot

    I suppose it's better than oh ****!

  27. I try my very hardest not to.  It's difficult when I'm mad or upset, but all you can do is be smart and try.  Remember that to your child you're still perfect, he/she looks to you for everything.

  28. I don't have any children of my own, but I would not swear in front of my sister's children. I'm a teacher, and as such we have to learn how to avoid it, for obvious reasons!  

  29. Only on rare occasion.

    I never thought I would be able to stop all together, I swore all the time. But once I had kids it was actually pretty easy. And it is not from being mad, once it was from stubbing my toe so hard I swear it broke off LOL and I have once when we almost got side swiped by a car on the highway, it scared me it was on the side one of my kids was on and it popped out before I could think. I did apologize to them for the language as well.

  30. No I do not curse period. I don't even use substitutions for curse words because with them you imply the actual curse word.  

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