
Do you take a Harvard graduate and make him CEO? Do you take a 3 year U.S. Senator and make him President?

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Anne Price-Mills, a Hillary delegate at the Democratic National Convention, speaking to Suzanne Malveaux of CNN after Senator Clinton finished her speech, posed this question. See it here:

Does experience matter anymore?




  1. No but it should everyone is just going to vote for obama because he is black and thats ridiculous he has hardly any exiperince

  2. lol those are the same excuses you can use for black man. Those women are backing a Hillary when she stands by a cheating man for her own agenda, underestimates Obama and loses the primary. Yes she gave a great speach, but how can you back a weak woman.

  3. No. And it hasn't for a long time. We chose an inexperienced candidate at a time that was more dire for America than it is now...and he turned out to be our greatest president.

  4. wonderful

  5. Sure it matters, but it is only part of the mix.  We are electing a leader and leadership skills are not measured by years of service.  Abe Lincoln served 8 years in the Illinois state legislature - not a Governor, not a US congressman or senator.  

  6. Excellent point posed, but geniuses do come along once in a while, BUT, I am afraid I can't say Barack is one. or hasn't shown his true colors yet.

  7. bill clinton had no experience..under clinton we had no wars, gas was 1.25 a gallon and it was all good over here..

    the experienced one have ****** up....

    baRACK IN 08

  8. I would not pick Barack obama whether he was in the senate for 2 seconds or whether he was there for 100 years. period.  

  9. thank you mrs price-mills.  This is exactly how I feel as well.  

  10. There is another factor that I think is being overlooked and that is


    A President must have Character (or be one?)

    and not just a Character actor, but the real thing.

    BOTH candidates are SOLD out to the big money interests that funded their campaigns and so are USELESS to the AMERICAN people!

    Get a grip people

    This Nov. vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican!

  11. Experience does matter just ask a person facing open heart surgery what would you rather have experienced  heart doctor, or one fresh out of school....

  12. NO!

    But I have never really made an issue of Obama's experience.  I think that those who focus only on experience are missing the point.

    I question BHO's JUDGEMENT!

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