
Do you take a shower in the morning or at night?

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Do you take a shower in the morning or at night?




  1. Sometimes in the morning sometimes at night.

  2. morning, because I take a bath in the evening

  3. morning

  4. night only

  5. when i have school at night, cause i'm tired in the morning.. but if i don't have school then in the morning.

  6. At night riiiight before I go to sleep.  

  7. Morning always!

  8. school days i shower at night

    but during the weekend i shower in the middle of the day!

    i like my showers COLD


  9. hot bubble bath at night & wash my hair in the morning. 4 of us in this house & 1 shower.--everyone else showers in the morning.

  10. I take it at nights usually. Sometimes, the mornings too =]

  11. Morning because it helps wake me up and refresh me for work.

  12. Morning  

  13. Morning.

  14. Morning............that is what wakes me up and gets me going for the day.  Sometimes I also take one at night too.  (I like to be clean!)

  15. At night.  I don't mind getting up early, but hate leaving the house with wet hair.  Especially in the winter!

  16. during the school days i shower at night, cause i'm too cold in the am to shower! and during the summer and weekends i shower in the am

  17. In the summer both. In the winter at night.

  18. night so i can sleep-in later :)

  19. Night. What's the point of taking a shower in the morning when you have activities or school during the day that will make you sweat and smell?

  20. Usually at night.

  21. I love taking it at night

    and sleeping feels so good

  22. At night because everyone else tends to take their's in the morning and i wouldn't have time to

  23. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night. Sometimes at night I'll shower with lavender body wash to help me to sleep, because even though I would be tired enough to sleep, I still can get moments of insomnia.  

  24. I like to be a spontaneous person so I switch it up.

  25. night. your need to wash all the nasty off of you.

  26. both im always fresh thats y im a freshman *sniff* yeaaaa... the air smells good  

  27. both

    1 in the morning, 1 after practice

  28. Morning before heading off to school

  29. Both.  I hate to go anywhere having just gotten out of bed.  I just feel gross.  But with my job I absolutely have to have a shower when I get home at night.

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