
Do you take life on earth seriously? why or why not?

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we have one life on earth. after that, it's after-life either to suffer all the bad stuffs done on earth or to receive happiness for all the good stuffs. in a short way, path of heaven or h**l if it exists. some ppl do a lot of stuffs on earth, some don't. do you really think we should all take life seriously? or we should do whatever we want and die in our own way?




  1. My faith has taught me that this life is preparation for our "real", eternal life. Therefore, the hardships and trials, as well as the blessings and gifts, are lessons for the way. I hope it is has helped me immensly to deal with life on life's terms!

  2. Hmmm, Inquiring minds want to know. But my guess is half and half.

  3. I think everyone has different views on this subject and I think that you should take life seriously, but also have fun and play when you can. Also, life is not a joke and should not be treated like one.

    Good luck



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