
Do you take part in a board game group?

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If so, how often, how many, where, which games, things like that. TIA!




  1. I  do.  I am an assistant director of a National Scrabble Association Club,  We meet on Tuesdays and play 4 games. There are about 30 players who almost almost come. and about 20 who come occasionally, a few who come only sporadically. and about 5 who live in other areas, but make it a point to join  us when visiting family, friends, or for work.

  2. Yes, I do.  Diplomacy over the Internet.

  3. yes, but it is not really a board game group. its more of a group which meets every week at mensa to play games like scrabble, chess, sudoku etc. basically all the board games as we have over a hundred diffirent kinds in our collection. if u approach ur local mensa, u will find that they have a gathering at mensa every week for players to play against each other and improve their skills.

  4. There are at least 4 large groups in my city (that I know of), but I only really play with one. They meet the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month.  We play stuff like Catan, Shogun, Tigris & Euphrates, Power Grid, Age Of Steam, Goa, Game of Thrones, etc...

    We meet in a public place, so it's easier for new people to drop by to see what it's all about. A typical Saturday will draw anywhere from 10 to 30 people.  It's a pretty nice way to spend the occasional Saturday afternoon.

  5. Yes, I play Scrabble once a week - a group of twelve of us get together in a different house every week and we have six games going at a time.  We do our own little "tournaments" and so on.  We take turns being "secretary" for a year ans we keep yearly totals and at the end of the year (next month for us - we don't play in the summer), we have a banquet and invite spouses and others who like Scrabble.  At our dinner we give awards for the first, second and third place high totals, and also a prize for the "one game" high total of the year, and a "single turn" high score.  After our meal we have a "tournament" and everyone who attends the dinner usually plays, and we do prizes for the tournament.  We each pay $1 a week to play, which is how we get the money for the prizes.

    I have a similar club for bridge and we also play once a week - some of the same people!

  6. Yes,

    I've organized 2 game groups, and participated in others.  My current game group can be located on the web at:

    We meet every other week at a local games store, and typically play for 3-4 hours.  We also get together at people's homes, as well as run an all day event at a local college, where one of our members is the Resident Director.

    We've got about 30 members in the group, with an active core of a dozen or so.

    Games range all over the place, depending on peoples' moods/interests on any given night.  At our last meeting we played "Power Grid," "No Thanks!," and playtested a game being designed by one of our members.

    Happy gaming!

  7. Weekly get-togethers after work in the conference room.  Half a dozen regulars and a few less frequent.

    2 monthly weekend get-togethers at someone's house.

    1 annual labor day weekend game fest.

    As for which games, if it is on the Hot Game list on then we probably have played it.

    Goo - I love Diplomacy - They have a shirt over on you would appreciate:


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  8. Yes. I am very lucky. About ten years ago, I met some people who meet and play board games weekly. The couple whose house we meet at own hundreds of games. And, one of the players who regularly comes to play runs/owns the online game store: He will bring over new games for us to try out. He can then write reviews on his webite based on actual game play testing.

    Here are some of my favorites and some other games we play:

    Settlers of Catan: This is one of my favorite games because it is alway different. We use the regular game tiles and the Seafarers tiles additions to build a new board/map for every game. You never know how things will turn out. We play the Cities and Knights and variations from the "big orange book" exanasion occasionally, too.

    Cosmic Encounters: My friend owns an older version of this game. It is fun because we randomly choose who we are going to play. The deck of cards is so big, and the powers/abilities of the different aliens are so varied that it makes for a good game.

    Word Games: We play a varitey of word games. Buy Words is a good one. Royalty is a good card/letter game. One of the more difficult ones to play is a card/letter game called Wordsworth. It is difficult to find, but it is very good. (I know that it is listed on

    King's Cribbage: This is a tile game similar to Scrabble where you randomly select tiles and play them on a board. The tiles are made up of cards: 2, 3, 4...10, J, Q, K, A. You place your tiles on the board and score like Cribbage.

    Crayon Train Games: Euro Rails, Iron Dragon, China Rails, Empire Builder, India Rails, Lunar Rails, Russion Rails, Aussie Rails. I like them. We usually play to double the money.

    Trival Games: We play with four or five different boxes of Trivial Pursuit cards and alternate boxes. We use a board from the old 1984 People Magazine Trivia game. Everyone knows something about something, right?

    Really Nasty Horse Race: This is a British game where you bet on horses and play cards to affect other players. It is a lot of fun because there are a number of races. So, if you don't do well in one race, there are others where you can make money.

    Too Many Cooks: A card trick-taking game where you try to take or not take certain suits.

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