
Do you take ................?

by  |  earlier

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Equal/sweet n low packets from restraunts when you go out to eat?




  1. No, I usually take straws.=)

  2. everyone is going to act like goodie two shoes on here....but most everyone does or has taken something at sometime from a restaurant. I'm guilty of sometimes swiping the condiment cups if they don't give me a plastic one with my to go box!  How else am I to take the left over sauce home? lol

  3. no, that would make me a thief.

  4. I take anything that isn't nailed down.

  5. No, but I've taken a few packages of saltine crackers and I would take a few Equal packets if I needed a few for my purse or something.  I would never take all of the sugar packets on the table or all the Equal packets on the table.

  6. No, thats rude

  7. No.  I figure I have plenty of sugar at home.

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