
Do you take showers at night?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to be able to sleep in longer, but i have to wake up to take showers so my hair looks really good. if i take showers at night, it gets really flat, and by morning it doesn't look as good.

should i just keep taking them in the morning or is there some secret i'm missing? thankss :)




  1. Unless you blow dry and style it the night before also, it's going to be flat.  I actually sometimes like how my hair turns out when I do everything the night before.  I'll shower, blow dry, and straighten; do everything like if I was going somewhere.  When I wake up in the morning I just run a comb or pick through my hair and it has this wild, funky, bed head look to it :)  But then everyone hair's different.  You're best off to just get up earlier and shower and do your hair in the morning.  

  2. everyone's hair acts different. if you take a shower at night, and don't like the way your hair looks in the morning just keep showering in the morning and doing your hair. :)

  3. Go to sleep earlier & then shower in the morning if it messes up your hair. But it shouldn't mess up your hair if it is completely dry when you go to sleep.

  4. I take them in the morning because I like the fresh and clean feeling I get and it wakes me up. If it gets flat then just take your shower in the morning and go to sleep at night when you would usually be taking your shower. That way you sleep the same amount of time it's just shifted a little bit earlier.

  5. i have the same problem. what i wind up doing is just touching it up in the morning so that it looks good again.;...

  6. go to sleep earlier

  7. try taking a shower at night then braiding your hair or putting it in a bun when you sleep by morning it will be dry and also curly/wavy it will look great try it.

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