
Do you take the bible literally? do you believe that humans came from adam and eve or darwins theory?

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Do you take the bible literally? do you believe that humans came from adam and eve or darwins theory?




  1. I don't take all of the Bible literally because it was written by man and man is fallible.

    I believe in Creationism. I also believe that God allowed for evolution in His great plan as we have proof of things evolving.

    There is absolutely no proof that Creationism is not true. And there is absolutely no proof that Evolution is true. Only theories, which people, no matter how hard they try, cannot pretend are truth.

  2. There is near insurmountable evidence for evolution. However, this doesn't mean one cannot believe in the Bible by instead taking the Genesis account metaphorically.

  3. I believe in a literal 7-day creation. If God says we came from Adam and Eve, I'm going to believe it. Genesis doesn't delve into the figurative, it's pretty specific, and there are several different words in the original language for "day." In Genesis, they chose the one that means exactly one day.

    I don't want to see a bunch of haters on here, either. This isn't a place to argue, it's a place to answer. There is no reason the earth has to be however old. God is God and things will be the way He wants them. :D

  4. The literal interpretation of the bible is a modern phenomenon, within the past few decades, which to me indicates it is not meant to be entirely taken word for word.

  5. Science for me every time!

  6. Yeah i do! Adam and Eve theory just because that is the way it is.

  7. I do and I don't.

    I DO believe that much of it is probably based on true stories, but see them as ancient anecdotes colored over the centuries with the religio/philosophic beliefs of those who have recorded and told and retold the tales.

    When I was 8 years old, I read the "Classics Illustrated" version of Homer's THE ILLIAD.  It is THE classical account of the Trojan war.  In it, Homer attributes everything that happens to one or more of the deities in the Greek pantheon.

    If a fleet of ships got sunk, it was because Poseidon, the God of the sea, got angry and sunk them on purpose.  If a champion warrior from one side beat the champion warrior from the other side in battle, it was because the God or Goddess supporting the losing side owed the patron deity of the winning side a favor.  Throughout the entire book, the human characters were depicted as pawns and gamepieces of the Gods.  Nothing occurred in that war except by the whim of a Greek God or Goddess.

    I asked my mother if the Trojan War really happened, and she looked up from her magazine just long enough to say that she thought it probably did.  I took this to mean that if it all really happened, then it had to have happened the way Homer said it did.  To my 8-year-old mind, that meant that the pantheon of Greek Deities was REAL!  So for a while I went around trying to pray to or otherwise communicate with Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, etc.  After a couple of weeks, I began to realize that all my efforts were going into empty space and nothing was coming back.  I realized that Homer must have taken real events and colored them with his own religious philosophy.

    However, it took me almost another decade to reach the same conclusion about the Christian Bible.

    As to Darwin's theory of evolution, it is the more plausible of the two standardly accepted possibilities, but like the biblical Adam-and-Eve story, it too, is full of holes and continuity breaks.

    Overall, I am willing to admit we simple DON'T KNOW, and I'm opting for some THIRD explanation we have not found out about yet!

  8. I do believe the Bible, literally.  

    It appears to me that it takes a great deal more imagination to believe man came from an amoeba...than it does to believe we are descendants from a created being.

    I do believe though in the freedom of what to what you will....

  9. The bible shouldn't be taken literally. It's more like God caused the spark of evolution. So believe in evolution but that God started it.


  11. No, I don't believe humans came from Darwin's theory.

    No, I don't take all of the bible literally, just the actual historical parts. The rest is analogies, parables, lessons, stories,  and poetry.

  12. Like it or not evolution appears to be real. There's no such thing as a dog breeder who discounts Darwin's theory.

    If God is true and he exists, he must therefore be compatible with all truth. The truth of evolution does not damage your ability to believe that God created man or any other creature...even the ones that have evolved.

    As for Adam and Eve; they are the first humans to have a relationship (or covenant) with God. The narrative of the actual method of creation may not be literal. In general the Bible is a mixed bag of narrative styles. The proverbs for example are definitely to be taken as examples of stories, not literal stories. The psalms are more lyric and poetry. In the end, the great question is which parts of the bible to take literally and which to take figuratively. Every version of Christian and Jewish faith has a different answer.

    Bible is among other things a history of God's relationship with man. Even if the narrative is not exact, the spirit and nature of God's relationship to man should be pretty clear.

  13. Adam and Eve. Darwin was a s***w ball.

  14. I take the Bible literally. I know it's an unpopular answer, but it's how I feel, and what I believe.

    ***Why the thumbs down? The question asks for my opinion and I gave it. How does that warrant a thumbs down?

  15. yes i do. its Gods guide 2 life 4 us. and adam and eve.

  16. ADAM&EVE.

    if you told me i kame from a monkey

    i'd hit you in the face.

  17. Neither. Both concepts have no merit to them. Think about it. Eve was created from the rib of Adam. Only idiots would believe in something like that. On the other hand Charles Darwin never did prove that we evolve from the apelike creature. It was just a theory, not proven. So until we come up with a fact, keep your mind open is best.

  18. adam and eve...haha, you would have to be stupid to beleive that.

    I hope there is a God, it's just not the God the bible talks about

    Kja63 said it perfect.. thumbs up

  19. you should of seen Adam and Eve running fast to escape from a mad dinosaur  ,  they had to run like 60 miles an hour because a  tyrannosaurus run at about 50 miles an hour...  

    that was a h**l of a ride..

    and since the dinosaurs lived on earth for 160 million years,  Adam and Eve had it rough for quite a while...

    Ya get my drift ?

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