
Do you take the time to get to know quiet people?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you just leave them be?




  1. Because I myself am a quiet person, I do try to identify and befriend the quietest person in the group.  I don't "pry," as it were, but I also don't just let them be quiet.

    But I do that because I myself need a little bit of prodding before I can open up and get over my own quietness, so I think I know (at least I hope that I do) when to prod and when to just back off and leave them be.

    So, I guess that it is really both.

  2. Both. I get to know quiet people who interest me for some reason. I leave alone quiet people who clearly want to be left alone.

  3. I think quiet people are the most interesting. If I'm in a group and notice a quiet person I always try to initiate conversation with them. Just because someone's quiet doesn't mean they're shy!!

  4. I try to get to know them because they are more interesting than the chatty ones.  They appear to be taking everything in rather than putting it out there.  I like the mystery.

  5. Quiet people are perceived to be snobs

  6. i let them be...cause i tried to know this one quiet guy...who became a stocker.I tried to be nice...but all he was trying to do was hook up with me ...discouraged me alot.I figured...people who are quiet ...are quiet for a reason. Lesson is...STAY AWAY!

  7. Think what you are missing if you don't take the time! The quiet ones are often the smart ones who are watching and taking in what's going on.

  8. No..I am the quiet person :)

  9. I get to know quiet people, because I know what it's like to be a quiet person. I'm not as shy as I used to be, but now I can relate to people who are withdrawn and understand what they're going through.

    Lots of times, people who seem really quiet in public are not so reserved one on one. They usually are longing to open up, and when they feel comfortable enough, they really do.

    Sometimes they may seem like they want to be left alone, but the truth is everybody needs friends. Trying to reach out never hurts. One act of bravery is all it takes to break through a barrier. Sometimes you find that there wasn't even a barrier to begin with.

    They turn out to be worth while people, and just the fact that you take the time to know them can really change them as a person because they get the chance to show their colors.

  10. 1. Yes I do. They have fascinating aspects on life do these thinkers.

    2. No I don't, but then I always did like a challenge.

    Best wishes. UK

  11. i leave them be

    but some of them are worth your time..

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