
Do you take vitamins/supplements? ?

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What kind of vegetarian are you and do you take any vitamins/supplements? If so, what kind?




  1. I'm a vegan and I've recently started taking calcium vitamins because I'm not sure what types of food has a wide source of it. I guess I should look it up XD

  2. No I don't.  All the vitamins I need are in the food I eat

  3. I'm vegan and I take a Jamieson B-Complex multivitamin, which includes B12, iron, and folic acid.

    Any vegan should be certain they're getting plenty of B12; it can take years for problems to develop as the body has stores that eventually run out if you're not getting enough.

  4. lacto-ovo vegetarian, and yes! I take Rainbow Light prenatal pills. I am pregnant and nursing so anything extra is a plus!!

  5. On my blog I recently posted some of the vitamins that are essential for vegetarians and ways to get them. Go check it out.

  6. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian and I don't take any supplements.

  7. Vegan, and nope I don't, no reason to. I like getting my nutrients from food. When I was younger (and non-veg) my parents gave us vitamin supplements The Flintstone kiddy kind.

  8. I am a vegan and I take a multivitamin complex about once a week.  It has lots of vitamins and minerals in each pill, including B vitamins.  I only take it once a week because I feel that I eat right, but I just want to be sure everything's in check, ya know?

  9. vegan. no vitamins or supplements.  

  10. None of my people in my family  take non vegetarian food .I do take Vitamins C,E calcium Carbonate, Polybian, and Citrezin  

  11. I am a veg@n and i'm proud to say I don't and have never had to!

  12. i'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian and i take B12 just to be sure. i also take vitamin C but not for vegetarian reasons

  13. I am 100% vegetarian that do not consume egg/milk,

    but still drink Milo and eat cake.

    I take B complex and bio-calcium supplements.

  14. I am a pure vegetarian and consume variety of vegetarian  food so never felt any need to take any vitamins or supplement.

    There are variety of vegetarian food in Indian cuisine as India has a large vegetarian population

  15. I'm a vegan and I take vitamin B-12 supplements. I don't know what they do though, I just read somewhere I'm supposed to take them.

  16. I'm a vegan and I take a multi-vitamin, 600mg of calcium, 1,000mcg of B-12, and vegan protein powder every day. I dated a girl who was a vegetarian and she refused to take supplements. She was always getting sick and frequently felt tired and weak. At the very least, take B-12 supplements to prevent anemia. No plant foods can provide a reliable source of B-12.

  17. I have been vegan for 6 months, so far no suppliments at all. I think i do a decent job getting everything i need out of the foods i eat.

  18. I am vegan and I don't take any supplements.

  19. I'm not a vegetarian, but eat very little meat.  I had roux-n-y 6 yrs. ago so I take a hand full of supplements.

    B-12, fish oil, flax seed oil, milled flax seed, wheat germ, yeast, cranberry, and a multi vitamin.

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