
Do you take your Dragons food out when its done?

by Guest61402  |  earlier

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For example,if you put in 5 or 6 crickets,and some greens,if it eats 4 crickets,and a few greens,do you take out the crickets,or take all the food out?




  1. Absolutely.  My oldest dragon was purchased when he was already 9 months old and he's 5 now and still has the scars from cricket bites on his back!  Always collect uneaten bugs form the tank, they really can do some damage.  The greens can be left til morning if need be though.


  2. no, i dont worry about it, ive kept dragons for 5+ years and nothings ever happened to them, he should be fine

  3. Most definitely take the crickets out when they are done eating. Crickets can be mean little boogers to your pets when your pet is not longer interested in eating or is sick. Crickets have been known to do harm. IF they are ever left in the cage make sure there is a food source in there for them to consume rather than your beardie (an orange or potato wedge works nice). I would clear the cage of all food at least two hours before you turn off your UV light. Without UV they are no longer at a good rate of metabolism which usually means the food just sits in the stomach and doesn't digest.

    Here is a good care sheet for beardies.

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