
Do you teach your child what society dictates, or what you feel is right?

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Do you teach your child what society dictates, or what you feel is right?




  1. Mainly what I feel is right. I try to instill the same morals and values I hold and try to teach my son to think for himself. I do give some consideration to things that society dictates, you need to know what society dictates.  

  2. I teach my children what I feel is right.  I want to teach them morals, accept people for who they are, respect, and to have a strong structure in our home.

  3. i teach my child what i feel is right

    society often changes its mind depending on the definition of whatever 'society' means

    but at the end of the day i will have to answer to God if i fail to pass on what i know to be right to my offspring

  4. What I feel is right and I always tell them to think twice and to ask themselves this question,"What would my mom and dad think if I do this?".

  5. you have to be the judge of what is right and wrong...within the correct parameters. your child will grow up to be a mirror image of you so give the right example

  6. Both. Society's views are important, but so are your own.

    The most valuable advice you can give them is to always keep an open mind, question what there told (even by you), and come to there own decisions.

    Ever decision made in this world is relative, there are no eternal laws. Just teach them the basic morals and let the rest unfold. If raised right and shown right they should end up good with strong characters.

    Please remember your views may not be perfect, so don't be angry if they disagree with you on certain topics. Whilst growing up i was surrounded by closed minded parents who were all convinced there world was the ultimate law and would tollerate nothing against it; the results of which were their children were just scared too tell them anything about there lifes resulting in their relationships being nothing more than a criss cross of lies.

    Parents will do anything for their kids, except let them be themselfves. Dont be one of them.

  7. I'd say what I think is right, if I didn't agree with society I'd say so, but I'm not always right either.....

  8. My four children are grown adults however I always did what I felt was right and indeed was part of my role as a parent,never what society dictated.

  9. My 3 kids are grown up now but we always taught them what we thought was right.

    Society teaches them all sorts of rubbish that we didn't agree with.  

    They all turned out OK so I guess we got it right mostly.

  10. Absolutely both.  In addition, I teach my girls to think about the reasons for societal rules, whether or not they agree.

    When there is a difference, it becomes a very complicated teaching moment.  

    I want my daughters to do well in the world and to understand societal rules.  They do not have to agree but they need to be able to make an informed decision whether or not to conform.  Even the biggest rebel knows a time and place for conformity.

    I share my own views with them and I listen to their ideas.  I give them the best foundation I can; the rest is based upon the paths they choose.

  11. Well...

    If i've understood correctly.

    My dads taught me what he feels right, such as not talking to strangers and shizzle.

    But he's let me make my own mind up via other things.

  12. I gave my children a background based on the same morals, that I was raised with. Namely, to honor and respect the rights of others, to live with God in their hearts, obey his laws as well as the laws of our country, and gave them the right to decide for themselves how they would accomplish this.  To this day, they have never disappointed me.

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