
Do you tell others that they are right or wrong ?

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If you come across an opinion you disagree with and you are offended - do you tell others that their opinion that they are wrong ?

I don't judge others. If they have opinions no matter how stupid or ignorant - I let them speak. Who am I to say it's right or wrong ?

Are any of us qualified to tell anyone else that they are right or wrong ?




  1. In some cases it is good to tell some one that they are right or wrong. Thanks, I didn't know that! or No, that's not right, here is where you can find out for sure. Some people are gracious, and trust what you say, otherwise it is best to be prepared to back up what you say.

  2. If I know without doubt that their facts are wrong, I might point that out.  However, facts and opinions are quite different.  Opinions are very personal and subjective.  Who is to say what is right and wrong?  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and so long as they're not voicing their opinion that I'm an idiot, I tend to just let people talk.  I keep an open mind if their opinion differs greatly from mine.  Again, they're entitled to their opinion just as I'm entitled to mine.  I'll discuss or debate an issue with a person of differing opinions and be sure that my point is heard.  But it's not my place to convert them to my way of thinking.

  3. i just say that i disagree, and explain why.

  4. I don't get offended when people have different opinions than me.

    I accept it and move on.

  5. Opinions are like a**holes everyone has one! On a serious note  everyone has a right to their opinion. Opinions are just that "an opinion" which there are two completely ways to look at the same situation.

    The only person qualified to tell anyone is who is in the right/wrong would be a judge.

  6. if they are my friends that i am speaking then sure i would tell them because i know that they are capable of accepting that they might be at fault adn also that they wouldnt take my pointing out as an insult.

    if it is someone with whom i am not very close then i would think twice or else i wouldnt say and would just let things continue as they are, as long as i need not be bothered about the issue that is discussed.

    that's all i guess.......hope i did help u in some way!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Am I allowed to tell other people my own personal views?

    Then they also have a right to tell me theirs.

    And who says that we both have to agree with each other?

    In a normal conversation people usually exchange ideas and thoughts.

    And it is better to be tolerant of most everyone.

  8. I think its all based on who you are. Many people that I knew who always were judging and so critical of others ended up being bitter mean unhappy people. So its good of you to let others speak. Even if you don't agree with it everyone has a right to think how they want. You should let them tell there side and then you share yours but don't try to prove you are right. Right and wrong is different for everyone and as a society we forget that all too often.  

  9. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just because their opinions are different from yours don't make them wrong. Simply say you don't agree with their views.

  10. only if I'm asked.

  11. I'm sure I do. We all have a right to our opinion. It's ok to agree or disagree. You are right. I think that's obvious. Am I a Goddess or are you? My opinion is only that. If I think you are wrong and I tell you then what does that mean? It means pretty much nothing really. Since when do you need to be qualified to give an opinion? I think that is ridiculous and a bit out there. Do you take yourself that seriously? I don't. I'm serious when I need to be but it's only life. That's just how I see it. I'd rather have some fun along the way and I see nothing wrong with that. If someone disagrees with me then that's ok. They can tell me because that gives me knowledge that I didn't have before. There is value in being told that you are wrong and here's why I think so.

    edit: If people say nothing then a lot is out there that hasn't been said. It provides nothing of value to the other person. I think people get in trouble when they think too highly of themselves or too afraid of offending someone else. It's only natural that we will agree or disagree. It's expected. I know that I'm mature and intelligent enough to handle it. But maybe some other people aren't. Really, that's ok too but I prefer the people that just say what they think. How else do you really learn or alter your views on the world?

    edit: I guess I should say that I do censor myself when around certain types of people, those that I feel are not sophisticated enough to appreciate differences in opinions or the sharing of knowledge.

    edit: I do try to be sensitive but I know that I've slipped up.

    edit: I guess this question is a bit more complicated. If someone makes a statement that I feel is incorrect. I may say something or I may not. It really depends. Some people (really smart ones) tell me I'm right or wrong quite often. It doesn't bother me. I appreciate it actually. Sometimes I am wrong. It's ok.

    edit: No one is wrong about his or her opinion. But let's say a person believes something completely untrue then you can speak up or not. It depends on the circumstances and how important it is.

    Person at my husband's work said: I don't contribute to a 401K because I'll only lose money.  This is not true. If I cared at all about this person then I would say why I disagree and I believe I am qualified because I spent time working in finance (5+years). I have taken many courses and had a broker's license. The person could do whatever they wanted with this knowledge. If I didn't care then I would say nothing and move on. That's what it comes down to in my view.

    edit: I'm really not the type to argue over frivolous things such as different tastes. I have grown up with a family that speaks its mind.

  12. There is a saying something like "its better to keep your mouth shut and appear ignorant, than to open it and remove all doubt".  I probably didnt say it right but I feel if someone said something wrong, I will keep my mouth shut and keep my thoughts to myself.  Its easier that way, and keeps from causing a fight.

  13. Mostly, if someone ask my opinion then sure I would state rather I believe they are right or wrong.

    Thanks for asking.

  14. I say "I don't think so" or "my opinion" so it's less offensive.  I don't think speaking up is judging.  everyone has their opinion but judging is with a evil motive.

  15. it all depends on who ur telling ur opinion to. if its a complete stranger then no, absolutely not. if its ur friend or family then yes bc u know them however dont do it all the time bc ull come off as someone who likes to mess in other people's lives

  16. Me, I don't tell people they're wrong. I just give hints that it COULD be wrong but I do it indirectly.

    Only ones qualified are those professionals... I think...

  17. I only tell people if they are right or wrong if they ask my advice or opinion usually I hear people say some completely ignorant things but I still hold myself. But if sometimes their opinion goes strongly against what I believe I could stir up some controversy to prove a point, if I feel it really is offending to my opinions. Other then that my thoughts are usually to myself based on my right or wrong of common sense. Hopes this helped.  

  18. my own kids yes..

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