
Do you tell people that you're veg*n?

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Do you openly tell people that you are a vegetarian or vegan, or do you keep it to yourself? If you are very open about it, what are your reasons for informing people?

I pretty much keep it to myself, except on here of course. I guess I just don't like to make a big deal out of it since I'm in a region where most people eat meat and don't understand the veg diet/lifestyle.....

What about you?




  1. I only tell when people ask.

    I wouldnt wal around town IM A VEGAN IM A VEGAN


  2. Most people don't know I'm vegetarian unless we somehow end up talking about  the subject, and if they ask I'll be open and honest about why I chose this lifestyle, what I eat, etc.

    I'm proud to be vegetarian but I don't feel the need to tell everyone about it when I first meet them.

  3. yeah, i generally keep it on a need to know basis, or if they figure it out and ask. i dont really know how else to do it without feeling weird about it. sometimes it comes up, but i dont bring it up unless there is a good reason to.

  4. I never mention it to anyone unless it comes up, sort of like I don't mention my weight or my ethnicity, etc. unless the topic happens to come up naturally -- well, I still wouldn't mention my weight! LOL

    Being a vegan is just a normal part of my life and I never even think about it unless it just happens to come up, or I need someone to know (dinner party, restaurant, etc.) I don't give it a second thought when I'm with people otherwise.

    I do have to confess that, like Mikey Will above, I'll tell the big ol' allergy lie from time to time. It's really out of necessity. Sometimes you can just tell when a waiter/waitress doesn't really care if they violate your dietary requests otherwise.

  5. I only volunteer information about my lifestyle in a controlled environment.  I'm a part of adopt a college outreach and I host veg*n potlucks. In those two situations I feel comfortable talking to omnivores about veganism because I know that they're more than likely open-minded about it.  I don't volunteer to discuss it on my job, at family events, etc.  I think there's a time and place for everything.  I did get a nice surprise a couple months back.  My boss asked me in private if I could write a list of things for herself and her oldest daughter to eat because they both want to become vegetarians. In that instance I was obligated to talk about it because someone was seeking advice sincerely.

    My reasons for avoiding this topic are:

    1.  Most people just want a debate.

    2.  I get tired of hearing myself repeat anything on any topic.

    3.  Since I get tired of hearing myself and others repeat    

          things I  know other people would get tired of hearing  

          me  as well.

    4.  As far as resturants go I don't volunteer information there

          either.  Usually they can figure out that I'm vegetarian by

          what I have ordered.

  6. Not unless they ask.. or the occasion arrises. Otherwise, I think it's overkill. That's like going up to someone and saying, "Guess what!? I'm lactose intolerant!!"

    ...ooook? so what?

  7. I don't bring it up but whenever I'm in a dining situation it inevitable comes up. If I'm in a restaurant I always have to make sure they keep they cheese off as cheese seems to be on everything and If I'm eating at someones home I have to let them know or else I'll have a juicy steak in front of me for dinner. Once I mention it the judgments come but I'm usually cool with it.

  8. I tell people if it comes up...Like if they ask me if I eat steak.  If they ask me what I had for dinner that is a giveaway too when I tell them.

    If I am out with people it is obvious when I don't order bleeding gobs of meat for dinner too :)

    I don't wear shirts or necklaces that say vegan and I don't preach to people.  But if someone finds out I am vegan I will explain anything they want to know.

    In my area there are quite a few vegans.  I don't know that because I have met them, I know that because our grocery stores have so much veg stuff.  Once in a while I will talk to someone in that isle, but that's about it.

    Good question :)

  9. well saying if im going to my friends or something and they dont know i would make sure that they know that im vegan

    or saying your going to the mall with friends and they want to eat there tell them you vegan or something

    all my friends know im a vegan

    and there all vegans to

  10. Well, I don't go up to random people telling them I'm a veggie =D - but people tend to notice (at work, in restaurants, at parties, when barbecuing or whatever) and ask (btw, it's fascinating how people feel that they can ask absolutely ANYTHING re my food and my veg diet!)

    I don't mind talking about my vegetarianism, though, when people ask - there are so many misunderstandings and myths about vegetarianism, I'm happy to let people know that nope, I don't live off carrots and lettuce, and nope I do not have iron deficiency and my diet contains plenty protein, thank you. ;o)

  11. I went in phases. - okay so I was vegetarain all my life due to my Hindu up brining. so the topic only came up when at a food place and I had to ask for a vegetarian option.

    But than I decided to be a vegan, that was different, because now it was a choice I was making. So when someone commented on my great skin, I replied with "its because I am vegan". - well I do think that my skin is great because I am vegan.

    But now that I have setttle more into being vegan, and more confident in my own lifestyle, I usually do not bring up the topic of being vegan unless asked.

    I do however talk about how much I love my food, and thats because I truely love what I eat. I am just passionate about the things I do or eat or love. - thats just me. I tell the whole world about everything I love!

    I still have a long way to go in respecting other peoples choice to eat animals. Honestly, i don't know if I ever will! -

    go on give me the thumbs down! - its okay!

  12. I like to keep it to myself, I have only told one person outside of Y!A. I would tell anyone if they ask or if I was offered meat, but that never really happens.

  13. Not really around my family. They know it, just don't like to discuss it because they are omnis with strong opinions. But around my school and area,  YES! I do because I think that it is our duty as vegans to help save and protect animals. you can't do that by sittin' at home by yourself!

  14. Only when I am in a position that I need to tell them like if I am invited for dinner.

  15. I'm out and proud! :-)

    Well, certainly I don't announce it when I walk into a room ("Hi, I'm vegan!!"), but when it comes-up I'm very upfront about it, and I'm always glad to talk about it with people who are genuinely interested.

    Veganism is a part of my identity, so naturally people who want to know who I am and what I'm about are going to find-out that I'm vegan.

  16. Me too, I keep it too myself. Because I do it for myself and MY beliefs. I feel like I don't owe the world an explanation. I'm tired of having arguments with people.

    Also, I don't boast about it because I don't want people to stereotype me as being a tree hugging L*****n hippie. ;)lol

    *** Not that there's anything wrong with it. *** Seinfeld

  17. I used to keep it to myself, like when i first made the change from eating burgers from Wendy's every Wednesday (unhealthy i know!) to eating a strict vegan diet.

    It was a big change and i didnt know how people would handle it. Telling my parents was really difficult and they kept asking me all these questions and that made me want to keep to myself. I told my best friends though, and when we got food they would blurt out that i was a vegan and having them just say it like it was nothing was a good help for me.

    Now i'm like "Yeah, I'm a vegan!" and i give a big "im a good person and you're jealous!" smile to finish it off. I'm proud that im helping animals and the environment and i want people to know!  So yes, i do tell people than im a vegan.

  18. I often wear pro-vegan shirts, so it's pretty obvious.  I'll sometimes mention it in passing in a conversation.

  19. i definately don't announce it but it seems like whenever i sit down to a meal with new people they feel the need to ask what i'm eating or why and then i have to explain and get asked a million questions when really all i wanted to do was sit down and eat!  if i'm going somewhere i will let the host know that i'm a vegetarian, ask if there will be anything i can eat and offer to bring something.  if i'm going out to eat i just check that it's a place i can have options first and if there is i don't bring it up.  so yea i guess i don't even really bring it up but it always gets brought up to me. i find it amazing how many people who eat meat make comments about veg*ns being pushy or whatever meanwhile it's always them who is pushing me and asking me a million questions!  (and i'm not talking about honest curiosity, i'm talkign about trying to eat a meal and being asked "dont' you ever just want a big fat juicy steak"?)

  20. I pretty much keep it to myself. Not that I'm ashamed of it, but it rarely comes up in general conversation, so I don't feel the need to talk about it.

  21. I keep it to myself, unless a situation arises that means I must tell others. Like if I go to a restaurant, I need to inform others of my dietary needs, other than that, I'm not that vocal about it.

    Except on Yahoo Answers.  I feel more comfortable discussing my dietary preferences on this site, because my fellow veg*ns are so great :-)

  22. I tend to respect people's lifestyle choices,

    that is, if they respect mine.

    Now that being said when someone asks me why I am eating tofu or a veggie burger as oppose to a hamburger,

    I will tell them. More bluntly, I don't scream to people when I meet them that I am a vegan. At the same time, I do have "vegan" tattoos on noticeable parts of my body, so people generally can just find out for themselves without me saying anything.

    When it comes time to order food in a restaurant,

    I will normally order a vegetarian option (that is egg free) and express to the waiter that I am allergic to dairy. This makes it appear more serious that I cannot eat dairy due to health complications, as oppose to personal preference. Also, it makes it very important to ensure that my food is dairy-free, as giving dairy to someone with a dairy allergy is a liability towards a restaurant. Therefore, apathetic waiters/cooks will take my request much more seriously than if they knew it was because I was vegan, due to perhaps preconceived notions they have of vegans.

    Now, am I lying... well yes. But do I receive my food without dairy in it....  of course.

  23. I don't automatically tell people unless I am in an eating situation where it would be obvious. Then I mention it. I always get alot of questions, but I don't consider it people being nosy, just curious, and frankly, fascinated. People are fascinated by things that are "different", and I enjoy explaining my lifestyle and maybe even get a few brains thinking in the process. Just like I don't mention religion unless I'm in a situation that calls for it, but will be more than happy to share my story.

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