
Do you tell people what they want to HEAR or what you want to SAY??

by  |  earlier

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  1. By telling someone what they want to hear, sometimes you would be lying.

    By telling them what you want to say, is being selfish.

    I like to try & combine the two, to make it kind & honest if i can.

  2. i it will hurt them i'll tell a lie, like maybe the person likes someone but then i directly hear that the person who is liked does not like them and then i would tell a lie

    speaking what you think can be dangerous if its mean and rude, like if you think that some one's shirt looks horrible on them you would not just burst out saying that it looks ugly, you say nothing or just say it looks nice to be polite.

    if someone is doing something dangerous and that can get themselves hurt or somebody else then i think you should speak your mind and tell them u think what they are doing is stupid.

    does that help? why did you ask?

  3. what i think i want people to hear.

    sometimes that's what they want to hear, sometimes it isn't. it depends on the situation and the subject.

  4. ...i answer the question with my best way...

  5. i tell the truth (nicely)

  6. usually i lie....

  7. Maybe that is why I don`t talk much.  Actually,  should the truth be known, it doesn`t matter a hill o`beans.

    Deep down we all know everything anyhow.

    Have fun with that one while you can.  Cheers!

  8. What I want to say. If they were to ask for my opinion, would that not also be what they want to hear?

  9. depends on the situation...

    if it is really important and they should noe it i would tell the person

    but if its not that important and it would hurt their feeling i think i wouldnt

  10. Depends...if it's important for the other person to know- I tell them.

    If it's not important- and would hurt their feelings I'll tell a little white lie. ;)

  11. i just say what i want to say. i dont like sucking up

  12. I just disagree with everybody to practice my rhetoric.

  13. I just try to tell the truth as well as I can know it. I could have many more Best Answers on YA if I told people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. Everyone should want to know the truth, but as I wrote in a novel, "The truth is rarely popular". I have a degree in Art and Philosophy, so what I want to know and say is the truth.

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