
Do you tell someone how you feel, if they're in a relationship?

by  |  earlier

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.. and you spend lots of time with them?

Is honesty always the best policy?




  1. No, don't tell them anything. They are in a relationship and if you don't want to mess up your friendship don't say anything.

  2. No, if that's your friend, you want to support him & his relationship. Be happy for them b/c friends put others before themselves. However, if it was meant to be, it will be. If this relationship does not last. Take your chance & tell him how you feel. I know it'll probably be scary but remember your feelings for him. You don't want to look back and say, "What if...?" Good luck!!

  3. yes. just so long as you are not pushy about it if the other person does not feel the same way.  

  4. Yes.  Honesty really is the best policy.  Trust comes with the package by the way.  d

  5. If they are in a relationship, you keep your feelings to yourself, unless that person may be endangered by that relationship (abuse, etc).

    You spend a lot of TIME with this person?  Must be through work.  Then work is work, and it's best not to mix the personal with the professional.

    As for honesty, no, it is NOT always the BEST policy.  May I quote Miss Manners in this matter....

    Ah, the great moral conflict in life---honesty or kindness?  Miss Manners tends to choose kindness, feeling that there is quite enough honestly in the world.

    So, if you are ever faced with this dilemma, try a little kindness first.

    Have a polite day.

  6. Yes, as long as they are not married.

  7. If you tell and he or she does not return your feelings then how are you going to feel about continuing to spend time with them? How are they going to feel about it ? If they do return your feelings..well, you will have a boyfriend or girlfriend whom you know you can not trust. Not much good either way is it? Best keep your feelings to yourself unless he or she ends their current relationship of their own accord.

  8. That's a tuffie! If ur friend is in another relationship then u better stay back. Pray that everything will work out 4 them, in whatever relationship they're in! U need 2 trust that the Lord will work things out no matter what! U will always have friends 2 help and comfort u, and ur best friend(Christ) is the one u must rely on through ur whole life!

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