
Do you tell the truth when you are drunk?

by Guest66665  |  earlier

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Do you tell the truth when you are drunk?




  1. It's not so much as telling the truth as it is simply blurting out everything that crosses your mind. You lack judgment when you are drunk so it's quite difficult to keep a secret.

  2. sometimes if I want to and because of the liquor I feel more free to tell things I wouldn't normally say, but I can still control my brain very well and if deep down I don't want to say it- I won't even if I am very drunk.  

  3. Few people tell the truth when they are drunk.  Alcohol isn't exactly a truth serum. LOL.

  4. Maybe. Being drunk means you are less inhibited to say things that you normally wouldn't. It may be the truth or it may be something that you don't think but you know will elicit a reaction that you wouldn't say while sober.

  5. I say a lot of c**p when I'm drunk. I've been known to be very honest as well as lie my head off. Being drunk does lower your inhibitions, but it does not guarantee honesty. I have a tendency to exaggerate stories and feelings quite a bit when I'm drunk.

  6. Yes I do! My mouth starts pouring words I normally would never say if DAM* it!

  7. Omg yes I do, I can't keep any secrets when I'm wasted

  8. Yeah... it's harder to not tell the truth when you're drunk. It can't help but come out. lol

  9. Not necessarily.  You say whatever crosses your mind - it might be what you honestly think, or it might be a skewed interpretation.  Alcohol does mess up your view of the world, so it would likewise mess up your expression of that view.

    A good rule of thumb is never to pay too much attention to drunks.  They aren't in control of themselves, so you'll never the "real person" this way.

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