
Do you tend to form stronger bonds with people of opposite polarities?

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Air signs and Fire signs (Yang) vs. Earth and Water signs (Yin)

People always seem to base compatibility and the ability to understand people based on the sun sign alone, which I just don't agree with. I'm a Libra, but I tend to get along very well with earth and water signs, and there are rarely any disagreements. I don't feel pressured or pushed to work harder on the relationship to make it work. I get along fine with air and fire too, but I don't find them any easier to get along with than the others, and some I have more conflict with than opposite polarities. It just goes to show that there is more involved in the chart than the Sun.

Besides, I believe that when you have to work to understand something, it makes it more rewarding. If everyone was the same, things would get boring....You'd never grow as a person, and things would become static.

What do you think about this?




  1. It is impossible to base compatibility on Sun signs alone.  It is important to review both charts in order to determine whether or not they are compatible.  Libras are known to work those scales in order to find a workable balance within their social circle.  Having your Moon in a water sign makes you more accepting and flexible to others as well......

  2. Throughout my whole life, I have bonded more with earth signs than air signs; I'm a Libra.

  3. my predominant element of my chart is air... i have no fire, which is so bad, fire really turns me on, its like the key to all the air of my chart.... sometimes i got to say i don't like it.... they make me move and think more faster than i usually do... i also think it depends in the whole chart!

  4. No, I always run into conflict with the water and earth signs, especially earth. It just never works out in the end. Air and fire signs are the only ones that understand me.

  5. I think one's approach toward individuals of specific signs comes from the individuals surrounding them in their early years.  For instance, I'm Taurus, fixed earth.  I get along famously with Aquarians.  I believe part of this is that both of my grandfathers were that sign.  I also get along with Libras,  which includes one of my grandmothers, and my brother.  My parents are both fire signs, Aries and Leo, respectively.  Aries individuals wear me out (If they would just sit down and chill for awhile), and Leo's constant need for attention is draining.

    To answer the question, it seems that I get along quite well with Air signs, but Fire signs are another story.

  6. I was just thinking about this a little while ago.  I am a Libra as well, and I find that I'm always really attracted to water signs (Cancer and Scorpio especially), and I can form some pretty intense connections with them.  Sometimes, however, it does get a little bit difficult.  The odd thing is it's not because the water signs are too "emotionally deep" for me...rather, I'm usually the one that ends up getting too intense or emotionally connected.

    I definitely agree with you that it's next to impossible to understand compatibility based only on the sun sign.

  7. Yes.. I always form amazing bonds with Aries. Aquarius are usually my best friends. Don't get along with the earth signs too much. Water signs can bore me at times (I am a water sign lol). I know what you're saying though, I too have a lot of friends that are earth and water signs, but i get along easier with the others. I suppose it has something to do with our charts.

  8. Awww Rach, you certainly do spring your amazing Q's ;-)!

    Well to be honest with you I totally agree with you and I certainly have to insert this speech you wrote because it is so strong, powerful and true :

    "I believe that when you have to work to understand something, it makes it more rewarding. If everyone was the same, things would get boring....You'd never grow as a person, and things would become static."

    But yet again at the same time when you are trying to work at understanding something it can truly be annoying as you almost feel a failure in the process of understanding and at times may find yourself slowly moving to the stage of letting go and giving up. As at times you would just love for one to understand you and I must admitt there are a lot of people who just tend to look on the surface of things than have the willingness to look deep.  I am a person who looks deep into issues than on the surface and I do find in most cases with those I try to look and understand on a deeper level, they generally tend to only look at me on the surface which makes me upset as often misunderstood.

    Personally I do agree with True Prince's statement, the signs that generally seem to understand me the most are fire and air signs, and well out of the water signs, I find their willingness to want to understand me which so meaningful for me.

    I personally tend to get along well with fire and air signs, also water...but have quite a bit of difficulties understanding the earth elements. I believe possible with the lack of earth elements in my sign this could also contribute to me having that possible difficulties.

  9. I'm a Sagittarius and I get along with most zodiac signs.  One that irritates me at times is Cancer.  They're so clingy, but I find them to be good people.  I can't stand Virgos...they're extremely picky and always need something to look a certain way.  It's soooo annoying.

  10. I think its more of a persons feeling for another, sure maybe the chart helps but by how much when physical attraction is involved & you done made a commitment. I think this is something maybe a horoscope can't even explain.

    I mean I talked to a virgo(earth sign)& we did go good together for a while while it lasted(3 yrs.) but like we all know a chart is reqiured & still love or whatever relationship one tries to build of it will still come short unless the people involved feels satisfied theirself, personally my thought.

    & I agree working hard towards something will make it more rewarding, if you went alone by a horoscope you will probably end it early calling it quits because it wasn't how you predicted or expected.

  11. Based on my own personal experience as a pisces, I get along best with water signs. It is uncanny to me, actually, that almost every close friend I have ever had has been a water sign as well (well, at least other pisces and scorpios, I have never seen a cancer that I particularly like).

    I agree that working to understand something is rewarding. That is partly what I love about the practice of astrology in general - it offers a great opportunity to understand more about people and the world. Psychology similarly interests me for this reason, and I certainly believe the two go hand in hand.

    Personally, however, I feel that I don't have to be friends with people I am not familiar with to understand them better. I like to feel comfortable with the people I am around because that satisfies a different part of me than my desire to learn and understand. This trust and deeper connection, for me, has come from people of the water (if not water in their sun signs, there is usually water in their rising or moon).

    But everybody has a unique experience and approach to these things, and I think that you, as a Libra, would probably benefit more than most by experiencing the wonders of every sign on a closer level. : )

  12. yes! deffinilty, i am a cancer and i get along really well with the saggitarious and aries. It is because i admire their ways, and they love that i admire their ways. Today, i got placed with a male saggitarius nurse and i loved how he wasnt scared of anything and just got things donw, and was entirly honest. Us cancers are passive, and when i was placed with another cancer she was unclear and not very open owards me. I also worked well in a arie/cancer relationship compared to a piscean/cancer relationships because the aries organised fun things for us to do which i admired, otherwise i would have organised for us to just stay home all the time.

    I loved his positivity and how he loved life, i dont need more emotional baggage :)

    with oposites we can teach each other things and try to understand each other and they grow to admire one another.

    i agree with you because when you are around people similar to you you dont balance your life with different perspectives and its a little boring and no one would teach us. Opposites show us another side of life and when you combine worlds with them it can balance nicely

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