
Do you thank eductaion and America is failin our childs in what we should do about it!?

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I was home school so i am one the lucky one.




  1. Please use your spell check so that you don't look as though your home schooling failed.

  2. tell me that you can spell Do you think education and America is failing our children and what should we do about it. I am for homeschooling kids you  could be more involved with the childrens schools to make sure things can be changed or you can help your child with his homework parents getting together can make a difference

  3. If your use of English grammar and spelling is a tribute to your home schooling it didnt achieve a great deal.  I am not sure on what basis you can comment on the public education system anyway, since you have not experienced it.


    install it and use it liberally!

    As to the question: YES!!! I home school because I feel like the education system forgot how to educate!

  5. I wouldn't say "failing" our children....but, I do think that in some school districts, especially where I come from, they lack giving a complete education to its students. There are many reasons for this, most of the time it's the lack of resources, the teacher not getting paid really depends. However, I do think that children here, compared to where my parents come from (Afghanistan) are given an abundance of opportunities, it's almost ridiculous (tell me how many scholarships are out there for minorities?!!)

    It sickens me to see how kids are just dying to get out of class and neglect their study work because they say, "Who cares. I don't need this sh*t anyway."  So it's not America who's to be blame for telling those kids to cut class and eventually drop out...It's the kids themselves. America is an offering hand to those who CHOOSE to make something of themselves. And some kids will choose the wrong way, and others will go the right way.

  6. I know the question part doesn't have spell check, but do be careful! Or ask for some help from a parent.

    I'm not an American, but I do hear constantly about how American schools are failing the kids. I feel the same way here in Canada, but I put the blame on the government and its narrow focus for what constitutes education and all of the testing that proves nothing.

    Someone responded with:

    "im not against home schools but i still prefer that my child go to a common school.why? its because i want him to be able to share his talents,mingle with others,develope self cinfidence and more lessons to learn."

    I, too, want my children to be able to share their talents. I see no reason why they need to go to school to do that. First of all, homeschooling allows them more time to develop their natural talents. Second, they can share with each other, with other family, and the homeschool groups have yearly "learning fairs" (name changes all the time) where the kids can share things they've learned or their special talents.

    I, too, want my kids to mingle with others, which is why we regularly do things with others.

    I, too, want my children to develop self-confidence, but I think schools tend to develop more lack of self-confidence than confidence.

    "More lessons to learn." Not sure what that means. From all of the comments, I take it that this person should not homeschool because she would spend all of her time at home, would not let her children explore their talents, would not find ways for them to share their talents and spend time with others, and is not interested in providing a broad education. Of course, this doesn't have anything to do with the general population not homeschooling, but her own personal reasons for not homeschooling, so it's good her kids are in school.

  7. Well homeschool doesn't work for everyone (there is a 10-20% major failure rate and it's more major than in public schools where you are FORCED by sheer will to experience a given class taught by a teacher and by OSMOSIS you absorbe some of it, at home if you don't open a book you don't learn at all).

    Public school does work well for about 5-10%

    Some of them might not do well in homeschool because they need a "teacher" to lead them

    So homeschool and public school must be looked at as "tools" and some tools work better for some people than other tools work...

    The failure of the American School system is a multi-facted things with no ONE factor.

    it's been shown if you segregate public schools into ALL GIRLS and ALL BOYS in separate schools the grades go up a little.

    It's been shown if you require SCHOOL UNIFORMS grades go up a little.

    Thus the emergence of no discipline and "cliques" the social structure everyone says YOU NEED is actually a hinderance in education.

    Goths, prepps, cheerleders, jocks, brains, nerds, druggies, gangstas are helping to LOWER the standards

    The SOCILAIZATION structure of cell phones, texting and kissing in the hallways has HURT education to a degree

    You are in school to learn not KISS the girl

    Not do a drug deal

    Not find a beer bong party to attend on Friday night

    It is a FACT more teenage pregnancies happen in brick schools than homeschools

    This is NOT to say homeschoolers don't have babies at age 15, they do, but it is a LESSER occurance

    That is the socilaization issue and it affects Jamie Spears who makes $200,000 a year as a TV star, gets tutored on the set and got made preganant at 16 by the Preacher's son from Church at home in Lousiana!

    Socialization is the #1 cause of teenage prengancy and it happens EVERYWHERE, but more often in public High Schools.

    In my Middle School a 15 year old friend of mine got preganant over summer from a boy who didn't go to our school, so you can't alwasy blame schools for it.

    The demise of American Education can be linked to the removal of Religion from the schools, removal of Discipline from the schools, the advent of Cell Phones and Computers and Adding calculators.

    Technology and secularistic values of liberalism play a factor.

    Of course as Jamie Lynn Spears proves, even religion doesn't keep you safe from disaster.

    That father, by the way, stands to make a bundle from her of he gets a lawyer and sues

    He'll get joint custody and even some $$$ from her earnings

    She will pay him off to keep him away just like Britney did to Fed-Ex

    This is the reality we live in.

    Another MAJOR factor was the absorption of Mexican students and BI-LINGUAL education.

    No one wants to tackle that one because of the race issue, but the fact remains

    If you look at the STanford scores in Los Angeles

    It is the Hispanics on the bottom, the Blacks and Whites next and the Asians and Arabs on top

    And the funny thing is the Asians and Arabs have English as a second language and they are in the top 10%

    And they didn't have BI LINGUAL education

    There was no teaching in Chinese, Vietnamese or Farsi in the school system

    FUnny how THEY end up in the top 10%

  8. I think you need to have your parents give you a refresher course on grammar and spelling.

  9. im not against home schools but i still prefer that my child go to a common school.why? its because i want him to be able to share his talents,mingle with others,develope self cinfidence and more lessons to learn.i think we should try to be more careful with the selection of school for our children.

  10. This is not a question asked by a homeschooler.  This is a person representing himself as a homeschooler to reflect poorly on homeschoolers with horrible grammar and spelling.

  11. Yes, I think it is, but it's a very complex problem.

    First, though NCLB was based on a good concept, it is failing our schools in a huge way.  The way to improve schools isn't to invoke more standardization; it's to put great teachers in the classroom and allow them to actually do their jobs.

    Second, parents need to wake up and teach their kids some discipline and respect.  Teachers are no longer allowed to discipline students in any meaningful way, and most have had "up to here" with parents that step in on their poor little angel's the kid who failed his history paper because it was written in "text speak", and his mom had a fit at the teacher who failed him.  Heck, if my kid handed in a paper like that, I would have failed him too.

    Third...I think society is failing our kids, more than anything else.  So many kids today think that they're overburdened and that life is just going to get handed to them somehow - just like their Wii, their Ps2/3, their mode of transportation, their new clothes, etc.  On TV, they see that they are supposed to be vapid, shallow little things, and often at school they hear the same thing.  They just plain never learn to succeed, and they're told that's ok, and society just keeps catering and dumbing things down to the point that it all seems "ok".  Meanwhile, our schools are some of the worst in the world, and the vast majority of our graduates can't compete globally.  Heck, many of them can't even fill out a job application or interview for anything higher than a job at the mall.

    Yes, I think that our kids are being failed...but I don't think it's solely the fault of public schools.  I think that parents and society as a whole need to wake up and get back on track.

    Which, as a homeschool parent, I am doing for my child.  I can't make other families do the same, but I can make sure that my child is ready to do whatever it is he's meant to do.

  12. I think children have all the power anymore.  I see more parents trying to CONTROL teachers.  Teachers have only so many resources to keep control in the classroom.  The disrespect from children and the way they talk to teachers as well as other personnel at the school totally shocked me.  And yet when their parents are around they are like little angels.

    Our lunch lady was so disgusted by the way our elementary children behaved she made a video.  Then she showed the principal how these kids interacted and didn't listen.  Needless to say, the parents finally listened.

    In away I do feel that the public schools are failing our children.  Somehow their needs to be a balance where educators have more power to keep control so they can teach and children can actually learn.  Discipline is definitely a problem. ( And I don't mean that I want to beat or hit kids)  I just feel that children know no one is going to follow through and they continue this unruly behavior.

    My sisters children were home schooled and they have done very well for themselves.  They weren't disrespectful and they enjoyed learning.  Plus their parents were involved.  I think the public schools could learn something from these parents and kids.  Just an idea and now I'll stop rambling on..........

  13. to tell you the truth,a lot has to do with experience not just the teaching.i am constantly fixing cars,houses,that these so-called college grads/master degree holders s***w up.people seem to think that piece of paper means that people are know-it -alls.

  14. From Northern VA, my kids, just out of high school ,were failed because the teachers took it easy on them.  The grading structure was setup that just showing up got you a "C".  When my oldest went to college, he failed.  Why?  He had no background of having to study to pass classes.

  15. well, at least it didn't fail you, right?

  16. Sadly enough the USA is failing to educate our youth. More money needs to be spent on education to begin with, but listing the 'should do's' here would be an endless task.

  17. Who taught you English grammar during your homeschooling?

  18. Is this some kind of a sick joke?

    Why would you consider yourself as one of the lucky ones? You can't spell, much less put a sentence together!

    Stop giving Homeschoolers a bad name.

  19. i think its hurting our giftend and talented by watering down material so "no child is left behind". low test scores are going up, but high test scores are also going down. i think we should develop a form of PUBLIC education where, if desired, a child may test into an advanced curriculum, including advanced state tests. i'm a year ahead in math, but i have to take the state tests on the same level as everyone else. so, when i took algebra 1, i took the 8th grade math state test.

    and i'm sorry, but i think that even though you was home school, eductaion and america is failin your childs in that's my solution.

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