
Do you thinbk 4 nites of the democrats spewing out their propaganda over America's airwaves?

by Guest65610  |  earlier

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is a little too much?

Wouldn't 2 nites have been more than suffiecient?




  1. Much better than when the Republicans will trash up our airwaves next week. Hey, I bet John McCain will mention he's a POW....again. Cheat on his wife? It's ok. He's a pow. Can't remember the diff between Sunni and Shia? It's ok. He's a pow. Forget a country doesn't exist anymore? It's ok. He's a pow. The Keating 5 scandal that cost American's their life savings? It's ok. He's a pow. Did you know John McCain was a pow?

  2. Wait until the Republicans have theirs!  You think propaganda is bad now...

    Sure, maybe four days is a bit much, but I don't have to watch.

  3. What do you think of 365 nights a year of Fox News spewing out their propaganda over America's airways?

    You are for more freedom, and especially freedom of speech, aren't you, or are you conservatives about to take that right away too?

    Do you know where the channel selector is?

    Wow, what a concept, turn it off.

    I took forward to watching  the Republican Convention, I want to see how they sell a "sow's ear" to the American public.  Should be a wonderful display of magick and fantasy.

  4. But i bet if it was the republican convention u wouldnt say that

    ***Obama 08**

  5. i thinbk republicans will do that next week *:)

  6. I guess if you can only take 2 nights of the truth

  7. 2 nites of this c**p would have been more than enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. What's thinbk? Did you use the number 4 because you couldn't spell f-o-u-r?



    Are you even trying?

  9. Watch something else if you don't find politics interesting.  

  10. No nites would've been best. It's not a convention to pick a candidate anymore, it's a circus to advertise him.  

  11. After 8 years of lies, misinformation, and tyranny. The truth must seem foreign to you. No matter. You'll adjust and begin to understand.

  12. Please....on your 3rd night Cindy McCain will be discussing "Prosperity"....rather ironic since her prosperity came from daddy.

  13. I'm OK with NO nights.  xox

  14. I guess we need to look at both sides to be fair, right? So, next, we'll be watching the Republicans spewing out their propaganda over America's airwaves. Is that a little too much too?

  15. It will be worse when the Republicans get their turn... eww

  16. My TV set couldnt take any more and exploded.

  17. They are entitled to it just like we have to hear four nights of the same bs  from the Republican side.  I think you should use spellcheck, it's a wonderful tool

  18. It is a good service that is being preformed by the major politicians there. The events are used to "clear the air", (so to speak) about Senator Obama and to unify the party. I was greatly impressed by Senator Clinton's endorsement Of Obama. Her endorsement of Obama and her telling all the people who voted for her that it's not about her or him, as if the election was a popularity contest, but rather about the issues that America faces. So, all of her supporters who straddle the line about voting for him, can unite w/ the democratic party to elect a Democrat intoofficee. No I think it's good that the convention is being shown for 4  days. This way those undecided can make up their minds.

  19. LOL, whats funny is that the party has been complaining because the media sources haven't been covering the convention most of the time.

  20. My set actually flew out the window the moment it saw the words DNC convention so I am thinking even a night would be sufficient.  

  21. It's way too much.  Tell me something real and get it over with.  One or two days should be the max.

  22. 4 nights of that is better then 8 years of bush, that was a little too much haha

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