
Do you thing im pregnant because im so confused?

by  |  earlier

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i had s*x and 3 days after i had my period well i think it was and it stopped at 3 days for the first time because usually i have it all 7 days and a week and a half after i had s*x i took a pregnany test and it said i wasnt pregnant is it to early foor me to take the test? because im having the symtoms of being pregnant like sleepy alot craving the food i dont like like junk food and getting headaches with high blood pressure what should i do should i get another pregnancy test? do u think im pregnant?




  1. If you feel you might be go to your doctor and ask them to do a blood test for you to find out.

    That's the best way to find out for sure.

  2. well if it was too early to test for a pregnancy, it would be too early for symptoms most likely. Just wait another week or two and test again. Just make sure you are being careful with habits such as food, smoking, and drinking.  

  3. You need your period to be late to take a home test. Only way to tell earlier is to get a blood test done.

    Might be a bit early to have any pregnancy signs but then everyone is different!

    Good luck!

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