
Do you thing the government had any thing to do with 9/11?

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Do you think the government planed it to get to the middle east?




  1. yes they did

    they got hate for  the middle east..

    effin haters...

  2. Yes , you read all the reports

  3. NO, because US had done many wrong things too ARAB countries so this is a god punishment to US

  4. NO FREAKIN DUHH!!!! wow!! i cant believe ppl r stull questioning that..

  5. well duh

  6. The "GOV" or the Military Industrial Complex

    or the CIA, Mafia, KGB, whatever

    I am convinced beyond any doubt that it was NOT the work of 19 radical Arabs armed with box cutters!

    Bush and Cheney are most definetly suspects,

    at least accessories to murder.

  7. Yes - they quite clearly had everything to do with it.

    Yes, there is no other way to explain:

    1.  The immense disparity in damage between the WTC aircrash damage (vast) and that at the Pentagon (minimal with almost no wreckage / airframe, engines, etc.).

    2.  The 9 surviving 'suicide hijackers' (as widely reported even on mainstream media such as the BBC, outside the USA) also tend to blow a hole in the official US government 'urban myth', but hey, who's investigating...

    3.  Yes, the minimal attempt to 'investigate' by the chronically underfunded 911 commission (compare the figures to that spent on investigating Clintons 'cigar').

    4.  The forewarning in the PNAC document promoting a fascist takeover for the USA.

    5.  The phoney exercises - same time, same place... exactly like the 7/7 attack in the UK (and I mean EXACTLY the same scenarios being played out in terms of timings and locations on both events - isn't that worth some investigating?).

    6.  The multiple and detailed (date, time, location, methodology) warnings by friendly intelligence agencies in advance - followed by 'hands off' messages from the US leadership to FBI investigators.

    7.  Public statements including by senior ministers of US allies (the German foreign minister included, who heads their intelligence service) and senior former US generals, admirals, intel officials etc. squarely blaming the Bush regime for the attacks.

    8.  Vertical, 'freefall speed' collapses of all 3 WTC buildings - a scientific impossibility, especially given the minimal damage to WTC7.

    ... the list goes on.  

    How anyone with more than a single digit IQ, or who is not very closely related to a pond organism, can accept the official US government view amazes me, but then we outsiders get a lot more information in our news and current affairs programmes outside the USA.

    Bush and all his regime need to be impeached and jailed.

  8. Yes... in a round about way.. not sure how.. possibly just in the fact they knew it was going to happen, maybe not when.. but did not take any action to  try to  delete it.

    Bush and boys knew so much more than what they told us.. I wonder if we will ever know.

  9. Yep and look how many more of us there are of you....  Who's crazy?  I think it's denial.  62% of us are sick with the 9-11 truth virus.  We are the types that "hang out in cesspools on the internet."  Thank you nonbiased Fox news for that quote.

  10. NO, But I will watch the video and if so many people believe this then why is there such a resistance to Change.


    As big as our beauracracy is today, there is absolutely no way our government could have done something like that not been caught.

    Look at the track record of how big and how often the American government screwed up- for them to have been successful at such an operation is beyond question to me!

  12. Obviously yes at some level.  The evidence of foreknowledge and cover-up is compelling.

    An answer above makes a good point.  The "government" didn't do anything.  We the people "are" the government.   It was criminals inside and above the government responsible for 9-11.  The same criminals are able to control the 9-11 investigation and the mainstream media.

  13. No not atall...this was the work of fanatical Muslims plain and simple

    RIP all those poor people in those towers

  14. Yulp.

    Give this a read

  15. Oh jesus, god the stench of all these ******* liberal conspiracy tin foil hat lunatics is over whelming.

    No the Government had no role in 9/11, how could you even think that.

    It would of been found out and plastered all over the media. I think you think Bush is smarter then he really is.

    You people are nuts if you think the Government planned it. Go out and public and say that, people will either A. Laugh at you or B. Punch you in the face.

  16. The government didn't do anything.  It is certain individuals (some of whom) obviously were working in government positions who created the situation where something like this would occur.

    When you create the foreign policy for the most powerful nation on Earth, and that foreign policy involves military action in the most unstable region of the world, you could expect the following:

    One or more of the factions in that area is going to greatly resent your presence.  You are portrayed as a foreign occupier.  You are portrayed as trying to erradicate the religion of the people of that area.  These factions are going to recruit people who are willing to die to try to injur your nation.

    We have people who work in government service who's job it is to keep an eye on known terrorists.  Some of these people reported known terrorists receiving lessons to fly airliners.  This information was submitted to their superiors.  NO ACTION WAS TAKEN.

    When the terrorist attack on 11 September occured, other individuals who work in high government positions, used the threat of terrorism, and this act in particular, to push through legislation that dismantles the Bill of Rights.  They created the Department of Homeland Terrorism, to centralize control over "emergency powers".

    As to why the attack/invasion of the Middle East, it seems there were several reasons.  First, from a strategic position, the globalists see the Islamic Middle East as most resistant to the "New World Order".  They see this region as unwilling to go along with conforming to the plans of our would-be, world rulers.  For this reason, the globalists plan to take out these governments, and install governments willing to join the one-world government they are planning.

    Secondly, there is a lot of oil in the Middle East.  The current Administration is trying to get the Iraqi government to pass the Iraqi Oil Bill, which will turn over 91% or Iraq's oil to the big oil companies.  These big oil companies are among the special interests who control our politicians, and the news the American people see every night on TV.

    So, I do not believe that anyone within the US government planned the attack, but some individual did everything in their power to make an attack like that inevitable.  They were ready for it; they had their legislation ready for the right incident to occur.

  17. No, i do not believe the govt was complicit in the attacks.

    Every single 9/11 conspiracy had disproven, however i believe it was govt incopetence that allowed the attacks to happen.  I say that because i believe the govt had foreknowledge.

  18. If you believe in a 9/11 coverup, you are in good company.   9/11 conspiracy theories are supported by:

    (1)  Rosie O'Donnell


    Okay, I guess this makes you #2.   Now, don't you feel like c**p.

  19. of course they did.

  20. Yes, I believe it had everything to do with 9/11.

  21. Yes, either by intentionally allowing the attacks to happen, or by a direct hand.

    There is compelling evidence for government complicity.  See these links for example

    I recommend you watch Mike Ruppert's film.  It is a few years old but still relevant.  Any damning information surfacing in the last couple years is, of course, not covered.

    The Truth & Lies of 9/11

  22. There are certainly some parallels that could indicate that the US had priory knowledge to the 9/11 Attacks. But not even the Al Queda leaders themselves knew when the attacks would take place, it was up to the high jackers when to do it. But, even those outside the US government may have known that something was going to happen, it is certainly interesting that not a single Jew showed up to work at the World Trade Center on September 11. So I wouldn't be all that surprised if other people outside of the Al-Queda loop had knowledge of the attacks before they happened, someone most likely spilled the beans at some point, but that info obviously didn't leave the Middle East.

    But most of the conspiracy theories are really hysterical. Like how if you change the speed of the surveillance that captured portions of the Pentagon attack, it seems as if the jetliner may have not actually been the cause. That's all BS. It's fan fiction conspiracy theories that people believe in because it is entertaining to think that there was an inside job from the American Goverment.

    The conspiracy theories are made to seem as if certain people in Washington wanted to get into the Middle East, increase military spending, and to take away certain civil liberties with the Patriot Act. But there is no evidence to support any of it; so unless someone were to produce facts that could show that there was a conspiracy, I have no reason to accept any conspiracy theories regarding 9/11. I think people are upset and guilty about the attacks and want to rationalize what happened, because the world shifted from that day on.

    I also find it to be extrmeley insentive and disrpectful to all those people who died on 9/11 from those attacks and to the men and women in the arm services who have died in action in the Middle East that Americans find it entertaining to pondor and buy hypothetical conspiracy theories.

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