
Do you think, an international team...say Australia Fiba Team, with its current roster win a NBA championship?

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Now with the consideration of the type of game FIBA has would the Team be able to have a winning record and advance through the playoff?

I think Australia is a playoff callibre team, however other better teams such as Argentine and Greece and Spain would seriously contend in the NBA!




  1. If they played international rules, they could contend.  If they played NBA rules, they would lose 60+ games.  NBA has better athletes all around, the international teams work well together because they can play matchup zone.

  2. Argentina, Greece, Spain and Australia, with the current players they've got are at least a playoff team for sure.

    Great point. Argentina, Greece and Spain have certainly showed that playing as a team is much more than individual skills.

    They could contend for the title for sure (Argentina, Spain and Greece). But it would be interesting how they fair in a best of 7 championship series not just a one tournament affair like the Olympics and World Championship.

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