
Do you think, if allowed to grow, Radical Islam will cause world war 3?

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I can't predict the future, but I have to say the situation looks bleak and I fear for the future of western civilization.




  1. No, it will be caused by the lack of food, water, and energy.

  2. They have been allowed to grow for decades.  And yes, they could cause WW III.  Right now Iran, Syria and Jordan are strengthening their ties with Russia.  You don't have to be psychic to see what's happening.

  3. It is all about George Soros's star player Obama in his production of Change and Control the World. Soros is a madman with billions.

    Islam is a red herring to throw you off the track.

  4. It's rapid growth, the finacial support it receives from the oil rich gulf states, and the fact that no one seems to want to accept the physical threat it posses or that it even exists, makes it a very good contender for the that spot in history, but hopefully it will be defeated before that.

    (just my own personal thoughts on it, curious as to what the rest of you think)

  5. No. But a war between the US and China will.

  6. WW3 is already here.  

  7. Yes. The world essentially allowed The Third Reich to fester and grow - and the result was 60 million casualties.

    Best to stem these ideologies of hatred and domination in the bud.

  8. Muslim extremists have been around as long as Islam itself. And terrorism is a concept going back to ancient times. We are not experiencing anything new, except for a new foreign policy. I think you are a little bit paranoid, considering how peaceful the world has been in the last decade compared to the 20th century. Things are improving if anything. We are facing some new problems like environmental issues and a stagnating economy, but there always have been and always will be problems that society has to deal with.

    The idea of a third world war has frankly become very far-fetched in the context of the modern world since the end of the Cold War. However, that doesn't mean it's not possible, and I'm also not saying that radical Islam is not a dangerous ideology. I'm just saying, it's not as bleak as you think. Stay positive and help solve these problems.

  9. It depends on what you mean if allowed to grow because probably fighting it makes it grow faster, when ignored there were far fewer.

  10. Warmongering degenerate brain damaged McCain and his buddies Republican-Neocons-Fascists are the only ones which will cause WW III.

  11. I think radical christianity is the threat.

  12. It is good to experience fear. It makes you think. It motivates you to think and take steps to make things better. At worst, we die, which will happen to everyone, eventually. In the meantime, meiner frauleins and meiner herrs, come to the Caberet.

    What is the use of sitting at home, alone in your room? Come to the Caberet! If you could only see it through my eyes. Everything is beautiful!

  13. if whitehouse continues with radical policies,ww3,and keep invading other countries yes it is possible

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