
Do you think 15 is too young to be pregnant? Im 15 and well im pregnant, i havent told my parents...?

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What should I do?




  1. First: discuss this with your boyfriend. Make sure to know that adoption and abortion are answers. Don't let anyone tell you that a tiny cluster of cells is a living baby. It's a fetus with the potential to turn into a baby. It's not a baby.

    So please consider abortion. If you don't want to abort the baby, that's fine too. There's always adoption. And if you want, you can become a mother and raise the baby.

    So consider your options. You have options. There are always options. Ask yourself if your'e ready to devote yourself to another person. You couldn't go out with your friends anymore. It would cost thousands of dollars and would alter your choices for college and life. Are you ready for all that? Would your boyfriend support you? Is your boyfriend ready for all that? Are you ready to love the baby so completely it turns you inside out, and have the baby love you like that too?

    If you are ready, then raise the baby. If not, then don't let anyone tell you not to abort or adopt. Your baby, your life, your choice.  

  2. what you should do: tell your parents, you wont be able to do this without them

    as for the original question: what do you think?? i bet everyone will say 15 is too young, and i bet if you were the one answering, you would say it too!

  3. well tell them as soon as you can, it will help you a whole lot of they are actually supportive.

  4. you need to get neonatal care, so tell them, YES it's hard and YES its going to cause mixed emotions, but due it for the child, and PLEASE don't abort, adoption is better.

  5. Yes 15 is too young to be pregnant. You just got to tell your parents so they can help you make the right decision. Next time be more careful.

  6. woa. im 11, but i act like im 13, which is why i have frens who r 13 year olds. and woa girl, your like the secret life of the american teenager! ur parents r sooooooo gonna kill u. but talk too them, they cant kill u if u have a baby.

  7. Of course dear.. it is too young to get pregnant at 15. So go on now and tell your parents, or grandparents, or an older sister or older brother, or uncle or aunt. Just go tell someone in your family whom you can rely on.

    Go on now, make it snappy.. and don't wait any longer.  

  8. You really need to tell them that you're pregnant, immediately.  It isn't going to be easy and they aren't going to like it, but you need help.  Fifteen is way too young for children.  You cannot raise this child on your own and you need to get to the doctor and get yourself checked out.

    Good luck.

  9. ok, first off, telling your parents probably isn't going to do much good, they'll flip and then ground you until your 25!

    but you do need to talk to someone, maybe a close friend, or a doctor, or maybe even a counselor.

    you need to consider your options: which are basically, have the baby, abortion, give the baby away, keep the baby

    bear in mind if you have this baby it's guaranteed to s***w at least a couple of months of your life up. and keeping it..well that's going to s***w a lot of it up. many teen pregnancies lead to teenagers quitting their education early, resulting in them struggling to get a job when they're older.

    think it through. and talk to someone about it (maybe a really close friend) and decide what you want to do. if you do go for an abortion you may want to tell your parents, but it is possible to get an abortion in private clinics, and I'm sure you could go with a friend to support you.

    good luck in whatever you decide xx

  10. So you're 15 and enjoy s*x? Nice, why don't you come over, and we can make a couple more babies. *wink wink*.


  12. Well first of all you need to talk to your parents right away and weight your options


    keep the baby


    If abortion is your option, the longer you wait the bigger the baby gets and it forms into someone who is dependent on you and loves you

    so when or if you choose to abort consider that.

    use protection next time if you don't know that your obviously not old enough to be having s*x 15?!

  13. To answer your questions.

    1. Yes

    2. Tell your parents.  Even though you think you having had s*x is none of their business, it really was.  You will be unable to support a child as a result of having had s*x, so now you have to rely on them to help you.

  14. You need to talk to your parents immediatly. You need to see a docter and consider your options because lets be honest, you cant raise that baby on your own.  

  15. If you are living in an undeveloped nation where 14 and 15 year olds are getting married and on their own, maybe not.

    But you most likely don't work, live with your parents, and live in a developed nation with rules and limits.

    Tell your parents or your doctor.

  16. first q: HECK YES you are TOO YOUNG to be pregnant!!!


  17. yo

    stuff happens

    i dont judge people i dont know

    but you should probably talk to your parents


    you can make your own decision

    its all up to you, but dont listen to the sh*t people say


  18. Anytime when you're not an adult is too young to be pregnant.

    Are you sure you're pregaant? First check with your doctor and be completely sure. If you're not pregnant, you're lucky. Promise yourself you'll never have s*x again until you're an adult. If you are pregnant, you will need to tell your parents. Pick a quiet time when they are calm, and tell them the news. They will be shocked, upset, angry, and sad and there is nothing you can do to stop that. You chose to have s*x and it was a bad choice, you deserve to face the consequences. When they calm down a little, talk to them about what you want to do with the baby (do not abort it, this is dangerous) adoption, or keeping it. And then talk about whether or not your boyfriend has stayed with you. He can be of help if he has stayed around. If your parents kick you out, I'm sorry. You'll have to find a job, and get an apartment. But they will probably help you, and everything will be as okay as it can be. Your life will probably never be as good as it could have been, but we all make mistakes, and I know this is tough for you. Good luck!

  19. at 15, you should not be having "unprotected" s*x!  Now, you have to pay the consequences. Tell your parents!

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