
Do you think 16 and under are still kids.why?

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Do you think 16 and under are still kids.why?




  1. I don't think 13 and over should still be considered kids. Adolescence is a fairly new phenomenon, having started about 4 generations ago with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Before then for eons menarche meant the beginning of adulthood, not the beginning of a  transition period into adulthood. 13 year olds were holding jobs and starting families. So it seems a little strange that what had been so natural for so long suddenly become looked upon as being so wrong.

    I think the reason they act like kids at that age is because they've been placed in that role.

  2. um...i guess it kinda depends on the person.

    like if u act like a kid, then ima consider you as one.

    if not, then i will consider you more or less an adult...

    haha, but idk, im still 14, so, my opinion might not count...

  3. some people are some are not ,everything deepens how the kids grow sometimes people over 20 act like kids

  4. I think 21 and under is still a kid(sometimes even older). If you still rely on your parents for food, money, and shelter you are still a kid. When you are a totally independent then you are no longer a kid.

  5. well legaly they are kids until they are 18. however, it is importnat to trust your teenage members of your family and let them have a say in what goes on in their lives. We all learn from our mistakes and it's what makes us the people that we are and so if we protect our kids too much and make decisions for them then they wont have the life skills needed for adulthood. Its good for teenagers to make mistakes and reflect upon them. Dont give unsoliscited advice. Give advice when they ask for it. And when they do make a mistake, dont say I told you so. Let them grow into independent human beings who are able to rely on themselves and not on other people.

  6. yup because there brains are still growing and maturing and are not able to make adult decisions yet. I know a bunch of angry 13 year olds are going to give me a bunch of thumbs down but thats the way i see it

  7. we all mature at different times but very few 16 year olds are very mature at all anymore because they do not take on responsible roles that define maturity

  8. It depends on the persons maturity. They stop being kids when they are able to take care of themselves, do what is needed to be done, and take responsibility for their actions, and accept the consequences.

  9. It depends on the maturity level of the 16 year old. I believe its possible for a16 year old to make better decisions than a 21 year old.

  10. Because your 16 duh! haha but really, it doesn't seem like it but your brain hasn't fully matured to the level of an adults

    You should start having some freedom to make your own choices like going out with your friends making small decisions at first and talking to your parents about that belly ring or whatever!

    This is the natural development that occurs with adolescents...but sometimes parents can be overbearing and it's a good idea to talk to them how you feel

    That was my problem, I made bad decisions when I was younger and never ask my parents ANYTHING because they werent there (emotionally speaking)

    So, your a kid...its suck but you are what you are ask your parents about the crazy S**t your going to do especially about s*x!

  11. i like to still think of myself as a kid. i think i will always think of myself as a kid untill i have a family and have responsibilities

  12. You cannot, by law, be independent yet. You cannot support yourself financially. You can't vote. You can only drive with a restricted grade license. You have no high school diploma or college degree yet (unless you're a child prodigy). You don't yet understand how the world works or how much you don't know (I teach 16-year-olds, I know the teenaged mind).

    I think kids should enjoy their youth. Grown up responsibilities come fast and furious and there's no going back. When I call my students "kids," I am in no way insulting them or condescending to them. And I'm barely 32 ... hardly an old fogey.

  13. no..  probably 13 and below are still considered kids.. in other countries, 16 years old is already a parent.

  14. Yeah, because being 16 is not all that. When i first got a job all the people treated the 16 year olds like we were the "babies" of the bunch. When you get to about 17 or 18, than you will feel more older.

  15. yeah becoz when i was 16 i still can remember how immature i was, how many mistakes i have made ,,, and how i couldn't think properly

  16. Yes, because we still can't make adult decisions...

    Good news is we get more mature as each year goes by and we should be good to go by 18 or 17

  17. wellll in england you leave school at 16. ive just left. im starting college soon. basically people my age always get called young adults. when your 18 over here. your an adult

    answer mine pleaseee yall;_y...

  18. No, cuz we have to pay adult price at the movie theater and etc.

    but we cant make adult decssions, and i dont think we can live by ourselves.

  19. lol yeah.. I'm 11! So i guess when you are mature enough to support your self and can afford your own house, i guess that means your not a kid anymore. Psh, i can't do any of that yet, so I'm stickin with mom and dad for a while :)

  20. Yes they are still kids.

    Life changes so much during your teenage years and you still need your parents to help guide you in the right direction. It's funny because when you are 16 you feel so mature and adult like.... .But looking back on it... I don't know what I was thinking

  21. Well, yeah. Legally you are a child/teenager until the age of 18. I mean, yes, some kids under 16 take care of themselves, but you aren't necessarily an adult because you can't actually have a full education, drive, an actual job, things like that.

  22. yes, because some are really immature. although some are very responsible, just because they can drive doesn't mean they are adults. adults make responsible descions on their own and can live on their own.

  23. no, anyone 13-19 is a teenager, not a child. though us who are 13-17 have most of the rules that kids do.

  24. Yes, because you just are... Even though everyone between 13 and 17 think they are so mature for their age and that they've lived through alot....WRONG!!! you won't realize it until you are 25 and that seems like a lifetime away when you are 16.... but it's not....Life is not worth living it in a hurry.... Slow down, be a kid... Enjoy life, get into trouble, have fun, stay up late, hang with your friends, don't worry about relationships, because the faster you move into a relationship, the faster you'll get out of it and the faster you'll get hurt...

  25. Yes.  I thought I was "mature" at 13 and that I am 31, i realize that I didn't know squat about life.

    The word "kid" or "child" does not imply dumbness or lack of social skills.  It really means inexperienced human.    You need to live at least a good 20 years before I will even consider you an adult.

  26. Yes. You can't drive (under 16 can't except for in like, one state, and half of 16 year olds can't drive either.) You can't vote, You aren't mature enough to have a child, you haven't even got a high school diploma, none-the-less a college one, you can't financially support yourself. (in most cases, there are exceptions.) You can't live on your own (unless emancipated of course.) You can't just do whatever you want. You are still your parent's child, and you have learning and growing to do. You can't even drink or smoke legally. (Not that you'd want to... you probably shouldn't - don't smoke; but it just goes to show - you aren't even given those rights yet. You aren't mature enough.) Plus 16 year olds often act like they are 6. I know 16 year olds, and in now way could they be considered adults.

  27. not kids, but not adults though, we are more independent then kids, yet less then adults.

  28. At 16 and under are you able to work to support yourself. Can you pay rent, utilities, grocery, car note, insurance, gas and buy all your own clothes, cleaning supplies, toiletries? Open a bank account, balance a checkbook, enter into a legal contract, such as a lease for an apartment so you will have somewhere to live?

    If not, this why 16 year olds are still kids.

  29. 13+ are adolescents.

    9-12 are preteens

    8 and under are children.

    we have specific names;)

  30. Yes because..

    They don't always make the right decisions

    They are NOT done growing yet

    Don't have license

    CANNOT buy IDed products.

  31. Yes, they are still legally consiered children under Federal law.

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