
Do you think 20 years is long enough?

by  |  earlier

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The Husband who organised the cold murdder of his wife has been told to serve a minimum of 20years. Do you think the time fits the crime?




  1. I would have given him 40 years, no parole, and live on bread and water, the ******* killed his wife for money and to be with another woman, what a c***

  2. I guess it would depend on the wife. If she was a nag, then 20 years isn't fair because it's too long. 30 days would be enough.  

  3. not nearly long enough.

  4. No. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life.

  5. as long as it is 20years and he does not do any less for any reason

  6. The link is down so i can't possibly comment.

    Have just read the article yes he should be given life, an eye for an eye.

  7. Isn't marriage also a life sentence sorry babe.

  8. No, bring back capital punishment

  9. Personally in these such cases i would bring back capitol punishment.

  10. Yes, 20 years is the average for a life sentence in the UK


  11. He didn't actually kill her himself so prob can't give him a whole life sentence (Human Rights bla bla bla bs). Not right at all.

  12. No.

    Not really since he will be in his early 50s when he's released & he still has a life to live, sadly his wife won't!

    I would have expected at least 30 years,

    since it was a pre-meditated & violent murder.

    when these judges use the fixed penalty system they seem weak & soft!

    A prime example to bring back the death penalty?

    We need more of a deterrent than some of the sentences dished out lately.

  13. No. He should be killed as he took a life.

  14. Why they call it 'life' in the first place still beats me.

  15. I asked the other day if "life" should be life when someone is given it, and the overwhelming answers were yes.

    This was a planned calculated murder of an innocent person for the soul purpose of gain, therefore the husband should have got life, and serve it too. The people who did it or organised it for him should serve what they got, and not a part of the sentence as is usual. They got 18/20 years but will be out in alot less.

    The government should have a 0 tolerance policy on alot of things happening in the UK today. Then criminals would learn the  hard way.  

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