
Do you think 20 years old is too young to be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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The question is what the title is so.....

no im nt pregnant. im only fifteen ars old and im not stupid and ovi. im not ready to have a baby!! just answer the question lol.......




  1. Biologically speaking the best age to have kids is 19-27.  

  2. I agree with the second answer!! I was 20 aswell as her, and i was married,since i was 18 (really young to get married) we had a big appartment at the time but about 3 months before the baby was born we moved into a nice 3 story house! So it just depends on

    1 having a husband/wife

    2  good job

    3 good house/living area!

    4 maturity levels!

  3. No!

  4. it is sort of young.

    but its better than 16.

    i say have a baby when your 24+, married, and have a good job

  5. It really depends on the person. I got pregnant when I was 20, but I was married and owned a house. My husband had a job to support us and we were financially stable. It's a tough call, because having a baby is something that will absolutely affect the rest of your life, and most 20 year olds aren't really completely sure what they want to do with the rest of their lives. There's not really a *right* answer for this, it just depends on the person!

  6. I know I wouldn't get married or pregnant at 20. Nor would I reccomend it for most people,but some people are ready for parenting at 20. I think that as a rule its too young but there are always exceptions.

  7. No, so long as they are finacially satable and in a firm relationship

  8. I am 20, so I can safely say yes.

    You don't know anything at 20. Sure you know a h**l of a lot more than when you're a teen and have spent some time in the real world... but at just 20, unless you're a genius and graduated college at 18, you're both shortchanging yourself and your child. Better lives can be had by all by getting an education and getting a real job.

  9. It depends on the person. By 20 they should be out of high school and attending college (if they want to).

    Personally, I wouldn't mind being 20 and pregnant, as long as I'm:

    1.) Married or with a responsible guy.

    2.) Have a job and home.

    3.) Afford taking care of the baby.

    It's much better than dropping out of high school at 16 pregnant...

    But then again, IT DEPENDS.


  10. I think that 20 is too young if you are irresponsible, lazy, don't have a job, you aren't financially stable, or you don't want the responsibility. If you really want a child and you are responsible, not lazy, have a job or are financially stable, and you are ready for the responsibility then i think 20 years old is just fine. But most 20 year olds are not all of those things. So my answer to your question is "it depends".  

  11. no, its not! if your not ready, then adopt it out!!

  12. Personally i do but it doesn't mean that they would be bad parents.

  13. i guess it depends on the person.

    my mom had me when she was 20 and my dad was 21.

    we're all fine...

  14. Depends on person

  15. I don't think so.

    I hope to have a baby around that age.

    But I know some people who even at 20 still have a lot of growing up to do.

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