
Do you think 2008 will go down as the year that the democrat party and the liberal media died?

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Do you think 2008 will go down as the year that the democrat party and the liberal media died?




  1. Professor has one 'f'. Much like the word "F*cktard".

  2. No, not even close.

  3. We can always hope.

  4. <insert am radio rant here>

  5. 2008 will likely go down as the last gasp of Conservatism.  The younger generation is far more skeptical of religion and even sees itself more as global citizens than as Americans (the pollster Zogby has described these trends).

    Unfortunately for the socialists who falsely call themselves liberals, I don't think they will remain unchallenged for long, as the true liberals (now generally called libertarians; their main difference is their support for laissez-faire Capitalism in economics) are re-emerging within the Republican Party (the Ron Paul campaign was merely the first sign of this movement, which is going to be holding a big Rally for the Republic in the Target Center competing against the McCain coronation).

  6. Yep. Guess we need to drive the Chevy to the levy.

  7. I hope so they are doing all they can to gert the psoer Obama elected but the people are smarter than they think McCain will win in 08

  8. your fear dreaming again, back to church quik

  9. If Obama becomes president...yes

  10. Since the Democratic party is almost certain to expand its lead in congress, I don't think a loss by Obama would necessarily mean the death of the party as a whole.

  11. Is that the "Liberal Media" like FOX "News" wholly owned by a nasty old n**i Billionaire???    Let's hope this is the year they die!  Some small changes to the FCC rules will take care of FOX.  

    We don't need a Republican propaganda organ masquerading as a "News" outlet.  

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