
Do you think 2015 is gonna look any different?

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Besides having new stores or anything in town..

Do you think anything will change dramatically?




  1. YES YES YES. George W Bush will be gone !!!  If he is not in office, people might actually start to work together, instead of just fighting along tired old party lines.

  2. Yeah! of course, a big changes from now we have. A negatively changes. Because there is still so many people are very unconscious about the implication of the pollution, the climate changes and the global warming. I'm sure there would be 50 or 60 percents of the land will be missing from the map. So the earth will likely become more blue color on 2015.

  3. There will be far fewer gas stations, fewer aeroplane flights, not so many exotic foreign foods in the shops. Wealthy people will be a lot poorer than they are now and poor people will be relying on government assistance for their transport and heating needs. Oil could easily be $300 a barrel.

  4. soon we will have internet through laser beams reflected from satilites so we can get information at the speed of light , its already been tested and work , that means libraries of information in under a second , we will be so smart that we will perfect everything including weapons of mass destruction and crazy war weapons that will kill the whole planet and everything on it , some of us will survive and the re-populate and after another 200o years be as smart as us and do it all over again,

  5. When compared with a Nina cold year, it could well be a lot warmer. This is nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with the nina nino Pacific cycle.

  6. I doubt it!! The infrastructures might still be the same. Maybe new buildings and things. Unless some mega natural or human effect takes place, things will not change that dramatically in 7 years.

  7. Yes.  Things will be very different due to the rapid changes in scientific development, the environment, political shifts and the economy.

    Gas prices.  High gas prices in the US is raising the cost of staples such as food, while people have less money to spend because of high gas prices.  This condition can't continue, because the country is slowly going broke.  In essense, people are getting poorer because its costing them more just to eat and drive to work.  Its a ripple effect throughout the economy.  There will be a drastic change coming, either in terms of a recession or worse.

    Asia.  Asia(China, India, etc...) is growing in terms of population(at a rate of 3-to-1) and sophistication.  They are and have been a growing competitor with the western world for resources, making resources scarce and raising prices worldwide not just for raw materials, but for food, fuel and manufactured goods.  Competition for resources in the short term will raise prices with the follow-on ripples through out the world economy and in a worse case scenerio lead to more direct competition for resources.

    Environment.  Related to Asia in that China, India, etc...  are also seeing huge industrialization, growth and expansion of their manufacturing capabilities outpacing the western world at a rate of 8-to-1 and yet very little environmental regulation.  The polution and environmental damange that they are causing (and will not stop or correct) far outpaces the rest of the world and will most likely lead to either a catastrophic incident or a major environmental shift in the near future.

    Middle East and Far East.  About the only remaining political powder keg on the global stage, any number of minor factors could touch off an incident there that would lead to another global conflict.

    Projecting from just these few factors, the world (and the US) of 2015 could and is going to look significantly different from today.

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