
Do you think 24 is too young to get married?

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We are very happy and in love, engaged for 2 years together for 5. Is it too young though?




  1. If you think 24 is too young, that me getting married in 30 days at 21 makes me really too too young? Age and marriage dosen't matter, It's maturity and marriage that matters.

  2. No way!  I think it's ok to get married when YOU'RE ready.....don't base your decision on what anyone else says.  If you're ready, go for it!  Good luck!

  3. well the age 24 is definitely better than 19(the mtv show engaged and underage), you are an official adult. if your in love than why not, dont let people tell you that you are too young, because your in love, so it shouldnt matter.

  4. Does it really matter what anyone else thinks? Especially in this forum, when you are asking people that come from every walk of life.

    Let's put it in this perspective, I am currently engaged to a man I love. We have only been together for 1.5 years, but we have a solid relationship, we love and adore each other, we live together, and we want (key word) want to spend the rest of our lives together. Does it sound like we are ready to be married?

    Note, information that was excluded, and unnecessary: AGE.

    For the record, I am 24 and he is 26.

    I hope you and your fiance talk this through and work on your relationship together instead of asking random people who don't know you base their answer about what you should do with your future on one aspect, age.



  5. i know most people will say no it's not too young. i personally think it IS too young though.. especially since you've been together since you were 19 years old.. i think that is way too young to be with 1 person

  6. I don't think it's too young.  The question is, are you ready to be married?  You've been together for 5 years, and you're very much in love, so I say go for it!

  7. Nope.. I got married at 22.  I don't think it's too young, especially since you have been together for five years.  


  8. There is no ideal age for anything. Calendar age is not as clear a depiction as developmental age, so if you feel that you both can love, support, honor, encourage, and remain faithful to each other why shouldn't you get married? My fiance' and I will be married next year at nearly 21 and 24. If you're questioning the timin, perhaps it would be wise to wait.

  9. It really depends. if you know this is the right choice go for it, but also remember that being together for a long time really roughens the love you might have know, so it might change.

  10. I'd say no.  It is still relatively young.   But, not too young to get married.   You are closer to your mid-20's then you really are to your teens or early 20's.   If you've finished your education and/or have good jobs, with stable incomes, health insurance, a decent place to live and are somewhat comfortable financially, I think you'll be fine.

    Now, if you're struggling, that's different.  You should wait.  

  11. no, i don't think it is.

    my sister got married when she was 19.

  12. i think its the perfect age to get married

  13. I don't think its too young.  

  14. 24 is not too siggestion would be to wait until you can afford to move out with in-laws can lead to alot of me....,.

  15. lol no not at all too young.

    perfect age.

    i'll be 22

    and he'll be 24.

  16. I actually think it's a perfect age to want to get married. If you feel like you have accomplished all your goals and are ready to take on marriage. Then I don't think you're too young at all...

  17. I'm 24, I'm getting married in October. Also, I just gave birth on the 11th of this month to a beautiful little girl. I dont beleive I'm to young, I guess it all depends on how mature you are.  

  18. imo, your age isn't as important as how you feel. if you are both mature and ready to take the next step, than no it is not too young. since you are questioning it, i'd guess that you aren't really sure and that you should take a lot of time to think about it.

  19. No,

    it's about time.

  20. nope thats the perfect age to get married, i got married when i was 22, so go for it girl, y wait, goodluck x

  21. NOOOOOOOO 24 is not to young to get married, If you are sure his the man of you dream and the man of your life why not. jsut make sure any plans that you had to better yourself you continue with it. But you can always get on your kness and pray and ask God to show you if you are making the best decision.  

  22. I don't think 24 is too young to get married. It really is a personal choice. Have you accomplished the things you want to get done while being single? If you think getting married will keep you from fulfilling your dreams, then I'd suggest putting it off for a while. But whats the difference in being engaged vs. married. You are clearly very close and you seem happy, marriage is the usual next step and 24 is a good age.  

  23. as long as your happy and you are with the guy you want go for it

    good luck

    and wish u the very best in all your years to come!!

  24. Not at all, in the U.S. the average age for a woman to marry is 25.1 and for men it's 26.8. I'm 22 and my fiance is 23, our wedding is next summer. By then I'll be 23 and he'll be 24. The only thing I would be worried about is being engaged for long periods of time, it puts stress on some relationships. Your age really shouldn't be the question, what you should be asking yourself is "Am I finacially ready for marriage? Is my partner?" "Will we be able to take care of each other?" "Do we have the means to live and survive?" "Am I where I want to be in life when I marry?" "Do we have a healthy relationship?" Good Luck!!!

  25. How long you are together and old you are at the time doesn't make a difference.  I know people who are 45 that are totally immature and completely unprepared for marriage.  

    The fact that you are asking makes me think you aren't ready.  IMO you need to be fiancially stable,  have great communication together, and have already had in-depth discussions on what you want from life--including everything from what car to how many kids.

    When the time is right for you to be married you won't need to ask opinions or care what the answer is.  Don't rush because you feel you have to meet some deadline.

  26. no

  27. i dont think its too young

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