
Do you think 26 presents is too much for a 4 year old?

by Guest32295  |  earlier

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its my daughters 4th birthday on monday and i have 26 presents for her ranging from toys books to clothes and towels, i always go all out for her birthday and christmas and spend hundreds of dollars, sometimes up to a thousand, i lay by or lay away as americans call it so i can pay these items off over a matter of months so its not like im paying out a thousand dollars in one hit, but all my family keep getting on my back about getting her so much, i dont earn much and she doesnt get much during the year i figure on her birthday for once a year she should be able to feel like money isnt an issue and i wouldnt do it if it took away from my bill money. my daughter does understand the value of money even though she is only 4 she isnt a spoiled brat that wants everything, bottom line do you think its wrong to spoil your children? ps she is my only child




  1. Well, they sound like good educational and useful presents. What a great mom...can I be included on your X-Mas list too.. :-)

  2. I think that's insane to do.  1 is enough

  3. You are buying her things she are not overly-spoiling her with CRAZY useless entitlement gifts...she's your only child and as long as you are teaching her the Value of hard-work and she is learning the value of a dollar...what's the BIG DEAL?   I don't see one!I am a single mother of 3 and I save and Spoil my kids with GREAT Vacations...last Summer we spent 3 weeks in Hawaii~~The Summer before that 10 days at Disneyland~~We had a wonderful time TOGETHER~~If you SAVE and can afford it...I say DO IT...your Kids only grow up once..why not give them wonderful Memories?~~Aloha and enjoy your little one~~

  4. wow

  5. well yes it is a good idea to get the love and respect from your only child....and I think it is a good idea...but just to warn you...dont overdo it..what you are doing basically is the limit for a 4 year old...thanks  

  6. 26 presents for a 4 y.o. is ridiculous.  One nice outfit of clothes or a special shirt or some such she has been wanting, a couple of books to read to her for her nightly bedtime stories, one item to add to her "collection" (e.g. a Barbie outfit for her Barbies, or a stuffed animal for her collection, etc), and/or one new plaything or sports equipment or room decor (roller skates, sled, wagon, bike, set of character sheets for her bed, etc) is plenty for her gifts for BD or Christmas.  Get her something she needs and something she wants.

    Make BDs and holidays special with something that costs little but shows your love, caring and attention -- a little party with grandparents, or supper at McD's, or a day at the park together.  These gifts mean much more to a child and are remembered forever.

  7. Of course that's a lot! You should maybe get like 10 toys or something, some big, some small, but get her more small toys throughout the year. That way, you save money, she gets toys throughout the year, and doesn't get too spoiled. What is she going to do with that many things? Maybe get her a small thing once a month, and then like 10 or maybe fewer things on her b-days/Christmas. What if you have another child? That would be over 50 Christmas gifts to buy! She does seem like a very nice girl, but I just think that's too much for anyone.

  8. I think it is all about personal choice and preference.  I think that technically they aren't ALL gifts.  If I buy my daughter clothes, towels...necessities, I just bring them home and put it in her doesn't get wrapped up for her to open.  Plus I think you said that she really isn't getting a lot through the year.  I think the only difference between your household and mine is that your child is getting your stuff all at once and I am spacing it out.  My daughter gets a new something whether it be something thats 50 cents or something thats $20 every time we go somewhere.  Like you this is the only child I am ever going to have and I want life to be just as enjoyable as it can be...I am never going to have these moments again.  I don't really think there is a right or wrong in this situation...your decision to spend a lot shouldn't mean more or less then someone who doesn't.  To each their own.

  9. its way to much, i found my son plays more with things if i give him just a few things, put the rest up in storage then switch out toys every few weeks.  If they get to much they dont appreciate things as well

  10. It depends on the kind of presents and the prices. When my kids were little, I sometimes gave them many very small things wrapped separately, because they really enjoyed opening the packages.  I'd give them only a few bigger, more expensive items.  I always set a dollar limit instead of a number limit.  I think as long as you aren't overspending, there's no harm in giving a large number of gifts.  

    But I also found there were diminishing returns after a certain point.  Having too many packages to open became overwhelming and overstimulating.  If they can't even remember all the things they got or pay attention to each individual gift, then there's no point in giving more.  In that case, save the money for little suprises and treats and things that might come up throughout the year.  If you go all out on one big day, it's a whole year to wait until it happens again, and there's nothing left if she needs or wants something and it's not her birthday.  

  11. unless its her last christmas or she is getting all these presents from a whole bunch of people, like uncles aunts cousins bro sis friends, etc, then yea 26 is going overboard.

  12. Look your her mum, if you want to do that it's up to you. You know your child and whether it will spoil her or not so it's up to you. There will always be people who criticise your parenting no matter what so just do what you want to do and be happy.

  13. my kids use to get way more than that, but now im pregnant with my 4th and theres no where to put all their stuff, so now i dont get them as much at all,

    Some people are going to say you spoil your child but i say theres nothing wrong with wanting to give your child the best.

    My kids dont act like spoil brats, and they basicaly get what they want.

  14. I was first thinking that these 26 presents were from multiple people. I would have thought nothing of that, however, when I found out is was just you giving your child 26 presents, I would have to say YES , you are overdoing it.  Your child is only 4 and if you continue doing this, she will think that you will continue to give her everything she wants. Be very grateful that you have the resources to give to your child like that, but that may not always be, we never know what will happen down the road. My husband never dreamed that he would have been injured at work, and now is perm. disabled.  You say that you are going to continue to do this no matter what we say, then may I ask what was the point of asking if we thought 26 presents was too much?  Could it be that you really are bragging that you are able to give your child this much?  She may grow up to expect people to give her everything she wants, and when she realizes that will not always happen, she may be in for a BIG shock.

  15. I don't think it is inherently wrong to get your child that many gifts, especially since it seems some of them are practical gifts like clothes and towels. I wonder as she gets older, though, if you should cut the spending on the gifts in half and put say $500 in savings for university and spend $500 on the sales and clearance, where she could get nearly as much for gifts but you actually are spending half. Clothes and toys are not a good investment in the future and when she is five or six`years old, she will be able to understand the concept of putting something away for the future.

    As I said, I think what you are doing is okay, and especially if the toys are balanced with books and clothes, etc.

    Have fun and enjoy your daughter, but don't forget to invest for her future, too.

    ETA: According to your other questions, you depend on her dad's child support to get by and cannot afford her $80 in school fees. I amend my answer to say make sure you get necessary things paid for first, like her education, before you buy anything else.

  16. In my opinion:  Children who get one or two special gifts learn to appreciate the gifts they get.  Children who get so many toys they can't keep track of them learn to take gifts for granted.

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