
Do you think 35 USC 102 (E) should be amended to exclude published patent applications from other (continued)

by  |  earlier

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Do you think 35 USC 102 (E) should be amended to exclude published patent applications from other countries as prior art against patentability of an invention in the US due to increased globalization in the last 5 years or does the Patent Cooperation Treaty as modified on October 3, 2001 adequately resolve this issue?




  1. I don't understand your question at all.  Why should non-US applications be excluded from 102(e) as a result of increased globalization?  If anything, shouldn't the opposite be true since with increased globalization comes easier access to foreign applications/patents?  Maybe you can clarify the issues a bit.  

    It should also be noted that 102(e) is limited to only certain patents/applications from foreign countries.  It does not include all foreign patents/applications.

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