
Do you think 'The Dead Man' gimmick is just that bit better because Undertaker doesn't talk?

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The Undertaker hardly ever talks..almost never while he is 'The Dead Man' and i think him not talking just makes it that bit better. I cant really see The Undertaker talking while being in that Gimmick. His actions speak for them selves.

Do you think that him not talking makes his gimmick just that bit better or would you prefer him to talk?




  1. him not talking and letting his actions speak louder is the best part of his gimmick but i would like to see more of his mind games. a little bell there some lightning there maybe even a burning crucifix  

  2. Not talking. I posted a question about this last night asking people's opinions on it. Its better that he doesn't talk to much cause when he actually does that maybe once a year promo, it is a very good one.

  3. no he was beried alive

  4. I disagree.

    I think talking would make him a slight bit more popular. Mic Skills play a important roll in a wrestlers career. But in some point i agree. How can a deadman talk? Of course he is not dead but wwe thinks so...Dead people dont talk but if he talks he could be more popular. I enjoyed his mic skills when he was an Bad@ss! Mic Skills makes a wrestler shine. Look at it. Most of the Rock's popularity came from Mic Skills. He would have lost half of his fans if he wasnt in the mic!

  5. yes becuz if he talks it destroys the gimmick

  6. i liked the biker gimmick

  7. well i like the fact that he doesnt talk it goes perfect with his gimmick and it gives people watching him wrestle more excitment cause they are thinking of what he'll do next just about all other wrestlers talk but he seems like this evil person and not talking goes great with his gimmick

  8. i like t because he dose not talk an i hate when they talk for like 1/4 of the show sometimes even they will have pepole talk for a little bit and keep doing that for like 10 and it will be half of the show I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So yes it makes it a lot better

    and sometime i like it when they talk only sometimes

  9. Not talking makes his gimmick better.

  10. Mixed on it. He has superb mic skills and its a shame he doesn't get to use them in that gimmick, but it doesn't really work if he did because of his somewhat southern accent.

  11. Yeah, you nailed it when you put: "His actions speak for themselves". I do find it better that he doesn't talk much or at all. It's like that saying kind of. "Never mess with a silent person". You know how usually the people who talk too much are really nothing, but the silent are dangerous. That's how I look at Undertaker.

  12. I think it adds more mystery to the whole dead man thing.It keeps you guessing "what does he sound like?"

    Out of all the years I've watched wrestling I've only heard him talk a few times.


  13. You might find less fault with him, if he does not talk.  :)

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