
Do you think 9/11 was simply a terrorist attack, or a planned event?

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Do you believe the conspiracies, where they tell us that the whole 9/11 event was planned, or think it was just an extremely unfortunate terrorist attack on the US ?




  1. I think it was a planned terrorist attack by someone who hates the USA.

    A terrorist attack is usually a planned event.  

  2. Simply a terrorist attack, but Bush aggravated the whole thing. Played right into the terrorists hands by over reacting and dramatizing.

  3. Every time there is an attack or an event all the conspiracy theorists come out of the woodwork, it is just amazing. I do not believe in any way that this was an attack planned by the USA, and I loathe GWB, but this is beyond the pale for any American president to plot. There will always be those who seek an explanation that somehow comes back on the leadership of the USA and is, IMO, utter codswallop.

  4. George Bush unleashed it no doubt.

    Did you know he has a special hurricane machine that he used on N.O.?, and now the CIA skunk works has built him a tornadoe machine, which he just tested yesterday near The DNC convention in Denver, he is still tinkering with it,trying to get the bugs out, but it scared h**l out of the Democrats.

    Keep this wwwwwwwwwwwway under your hat, but I hear now that.........well I better not, I would disappear faster than a N.Y. minute if I told you what the next contraption is they are working on.

  5. Well if you're asking me what I think, I think the terrorists had it planned, but it was not simply a terrorist attack.  It was to spread fear, and it worked!   I do believe the government had some part in it, it could have been prevented.  If they can design missiles that bust through bunkers and explode under ground, they could have stopped an American plane from crashing into a building.  It all comes down to oil.  GW will be known as a great president one day.  

  6. It was a terrorist attack.  What are the conspiracy theorist going to do when there is an attack when Obama is President?

  7. No, those conspiracy theories don't hold any weight in my book.  But it's OK that they can be voiced.  It promotes thinking and deciding things yourself.

  8. Planned?


    Allowed to happen?


    Same as Pearl Harbour was ALLOWED to happen.

    9/11 was allowed to happen.

    It got a dithering world on-side, didn't it?

    No ifs, buts or maybes.

    When Bush said "You're either with us or against us"

    WE didn't get a choice!

  9. 6 Debunked 9/11 Conspiracy Claims From Today's NIST Report

    By Arianne Cohen

    Published on: August 21, 2008  

  10. I thought it was bogus when I heard that but after doing extensive research it appears that it may not be that far from the truth.  Someone did it and the fingers point to the people that are covering up everything which is our government.  

    I would recommend doing some research yourself because there is a lot of solid evidence against the bush administration on this one.  This is a good site to watch free videos on this subject

  11. It was a well planned, and well funded, act of agression against the West by Al-Qaeda.

  12. I don't think it was planned by Michelle Obama even though I don't think she likes the US as she has stated.

  13. If it was there would be the biggest lynch mob ever on record


    You would see more snippier shooting of all the people involved and their families that the streets of America would be as a war zone


    You think about that how many thousands of people got snuffed out that day and all their reactivities are on the prow for revenge


    And take my word for it you will have some elite military men who's family was one of the fallen that are back in combat mode for revenge


    You have no idea what the court rooms would be like they would have to be on Fort Knox Kentucky.


    And if it was a government backed attack good by American Government trashed cause most of all the armed forces would go on vacation to Columbia for a couple of years as to what kind of damage they can do


  14. Yes it was.

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