
Do you think ABC Learning Centres (Australia) will close their doors on families?

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Do you think ABC Learning Centres (Australia) will close their doors on families?




  1. thats what happens when you make a childcare organisation for profit.

    Its not a business its a community service.

    And they are a corrupt morally deficient group anyway.

    They open centres across the street from community run not-for-profit groups, they refuse to hire enough permanent staff because the dont have to pay casuals loading.

    Best case scenario? they sell the centres back to the local council who then allows them to be run as not for profit.

    pff. fat chance though.

  2. yes

  3. They won't close, they are by all accounts profitable, they may have a firesale and sell off the NZ centres which would be good. Big corporations don't belong in ECE. There is however, nothing wrong with for-profit centres, they are the backbone of the ECE sector. The best schools are run by owners who work in the business and are driven to make there business successful which benefits the kids and parents. The sweat shops like ABC and Kidicorp are awful places that are owned by an ex-milkman and an ex-builder who probably only visit each centre once when they are opened.

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