
Do you think ADD children should be medicated?

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In the case of Michael Phelp's winning 8 Golds at the Olympics. One asks: Are parents turning genius children into medicated-drugged 'normal children'? Maybe those 'ADD children are really the one's with the creativity, energy, and overzealous behavior, that just might be champions.




  1. I think the vast majority of the time, ADD should stand for 'acute discipline deficit'.

  2. I think children should be helped. Sometimes that's medication and sometimes it isn't.

    I really don't understand the attitude to ADD medication. If someone came on here saying "my daughter has diabetes but I don't believe in medicating so I won't give her insulin" they'd be shredded - and rightly so. The only difference with ADD etc. is that often you can't tell whether the medication will work unless you try it.

    And no, your average badly behaved ADD brat is not an amazing misunderstood genius - at least, not unless you help them find some way to control it and interact with society.

  3. True ADD or ADHD should be medicated if it can't be managed. Being the parent of an ADHD child can be a nightmare and can be wrought with behavioral problems that just can't be corrected through normal means. It is a mental disorder.

    The thing is parents and doctors jump to conclusion and medicate hyper active children who don't actually have ADD. Many kids just need a change in diet and discipline. Sugar can be like rocket fuel in a kids system and with the super huge portion sizes available they get overdosed.

    Certain artificial colors (tartrazine) and flavors have been shown to trigger hyperactivity and ADHD like behavior in kids. I think that parent's really need to try other methods before jumping on the medication band wagon.

  4. As an adult with ADD with a five year old with ADHD I don't see a point in medication. I also don't agree that it is a discipline problem. The best way to deal with these problems is to find something the child can do that burns energy and that they enjoy. For example kicking a soccer ball or playing baseball. Why dope them up just so they will sit in front of the T.V. They are great kids who have a hard time sitting still why ruin that, let them run and play.

  5. I think that the parents should take every step to try to communicate with their children, and we need to be patient. Talk to the children, and really listen to them. Try to help them not slap a prescription right away...I think medication should be a last resort, but not just the ONLY answer, use it as a supplement, along with maybe some communication.

  6. ya we have to label everything now adays ... oh lets label these active children ADD give them a complex ... no no medicated or labeled just let kids be kids and parents live with it.

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