
Do you think ADHD is real?

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if you dont why?




  1. ADHD is real!  The only people that don't believe ADHD is real are the people who don't have it!

  2. yes i believe that adhd is real however, i think it is grossly overdiagnosed. The level of kids diagonosed with adhd is far beyond normal. I think that these kids, who are mostly boys, are just being, well, boys. Boys are rambunctious and of course have a hard time sitting still. In todays society, these boys are forced to sit in desks in school for long periods of time. If these boys are restless, they are diagnosed with adhd and drugged up so they will stay sedated in school. If these kids were born in the days when boys were expected to help out on farms and help with the crops and animals, they would not display any of the symptoms now associated with adhd.

  3. Yes.

    But I also believe it's one of, if not THE most, overdiagnosed disorder out there.

    So yes I think it's real but not nearly as common as people think,

  4. I have it, so I guess it's real.

    But I don't think it makes me into some freak.

    Okay, well it kinda does...

    But I like who I am and if I go a little crazy sometimes(more so than not, ahaha), I'm not gonna say oh it's my ADHD.

  5. I beleive in it. You have to consider that people who have it usually have medication for it so you don't notice. When they don't have medication you'll beleive. You really will.

  6. yes

  7. Hard to say. There have ALWAYS been way more people on meds for it than actually have it, that's for sure.

    But lately, there have been studies coming out about child psychology. They claim that a huge percentage of children diagnosed with ADHD are actually showing symptoms of other disorders early in life. And since children have different brain chemistry than adults, the symptoms look different. Commonly confused disorders include bipolar, schizophrenia, all manner of personality disorders, anxiety, etc etc etc...

    I myself was diagnosed as ADHD at 4. My parents opted not to medicate me, and it was a good thing, because 15 years down the line, I was given a more accurate diagnosis: bipolar.

    I'd probably had it all my life, but any child who acts out is automatically labeled as "ADHD."

    So, does it exist? You know, I really can't tell anymore.

  8. I don't think there's much question about it's validity. It's been studied and observed to the point where they can establish a baseline of criteria. Symptoms, behavior, reaction, treatment, and observed changes to the underlying disorder based on various therapeutic approaches.


  9. Yes it's real, but it is also over-diagnosed.  For instance, lead poisoning can be diagnosed as ADHD and the child will not be getting help for the lead poisoning.  There are studies that demonstrate this.

    Also, there are other ways to treat ADHD rather than the traditional method and moms I know swear by them.  Checkout the following resources: has ADHD resources and lead poisoning resources. info on a book written by a mom who helped her twin sons overcome the diagnosis using natural methods.

  10. Yes, it is real.  It can also be over-diagnosed, which causes others to think it's not real.  But it's legit.

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